Making A Full House A Home For Two!

A Home For Two

I’m so excited to be participating in the #write31days for the month of October.  I had so many different ideas for what I wanted to write on this month and I settled on focusing in on the season of life that I am in right now, which is the “empty nest” season.  I’ve talked to some people who do not like the term, empty nest.  I actually did some research on possible ways to word it different.  I wasn’t able to find anything that sounded right.  I personally don’t mind the term, “empty nest.”  I think it’s kind of cute… as in the picture I found that is on my graphic of the little nest with the eggs in it.  I loved my season of having children at home and I miss it.  I’m thinking that there could possibly be a reason some think negatively of the saying, “empty nest.” It may be that they don’t like this time of life where the children are gone and it’s now just the two of you and you are wondering what you are going to do with yourself with all this time without children to fill your day.

My conclusion is…..there isn’t anything we can do about it to change it, so we might as well make the best of it and learn to soar with the eagles.  We want our children to soar, don’t we?  Well, we need to soar, too and that is what we are going to learn to do together.  I do hope that you will be encouraged and challenged to do as my byline says, “design a life that you love after your children are gone.”

You may be in the throws of raising your children now and you can’t even imagine not having them under your feet.  I think you may learn something anyway.  Trust me,  (I know you’ve heard this a million times) time goes by so quickly and the better you are prepared, the smoother your flight will be when the time comes.

I’m excited; I hope you are, too!  See you tomorrow, as we begin to cover the many areas of, “Making A Full House A Home For Two.”

Day #1 – Introduction

Day #2 – Embrace Life!

Day #3 – Be Your Authentic Self

Day #4 – A Forgiving Heart

Day #5- Living For Christ in the Empty Nest Years

Day #6- Now Is The Time To Get Fit

Day #7- Do You Know What’s Going On In Your Country?

Day #8- Loving Your Extended Family Members

Day #9- Your Time Will Come

Day #10- Have a Merry Empty Nest Christmas

Day #11- 10 Ways to Enjoy An Empty Nest Christmas

Day #12-

Day #13-

Day #14-

Day #15-

Day #16-

Day #17-

Day #18-

Day #19-

Day #20-

Day #21-

Day #22-

Day #23-

Day #24-

Day #25-

Day #26-

Day #27-

Day #28-

Day #29-

Day #30- What I Wish I Had Done and Known Before Now

Day #31- Resources


  1. I will definitely be following along with you! I am in that same season of life. I struggled with it for awhile, but I’ve come to find that there is beauty in this season too. In fact, my blog is Joy in the Middle, because there IS joy to be found in these mid-life, empty nest years.

    I loved being a mom to little ones (and homeschooling them), but if we don’t let our children go, then we’ve failed at our job, right? Our children were meant to function apart from us.

    Anyhow, it’s nice to meet you. I look forward to reading your series.


    1. Hi Patti, Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. As a blogger yourself, you know how much comments mean! They make our hearts happy, don’t they!
      I’m will visit your blog and I’m thrilled you will join me on this adventure.
      Blessings on your journey!

  2. Such a timely series. My husband and I are just 23 days away from our birds taking flight. This empty nest will be felt more profoundly since the house will now be void of my daughter, son-in-law and precious 18 month old granddaughter. They have lived with us for three and a half years!!

    It is definitely bittersweet. We are rejoicing with our daughter and son-in-law that they are about to move into their very first purchased home, but their absence will be greatly felt, especially the pitter patter of my granddaughter’s feet and her sweet voice.

    To give myself solace, I actually came up with a list of pros for not having them live with us anymore to see if that would help my heart. Not so much. lol.

    But I will say, I am ready to have our house back. I have all kinds of redecorating ideas and most especially organizing!

    What a great idea for a blog post series!

    1. Karen, Thank you for your comment. What a blessing to have your son and his wife and little one in your home.
      You will have so much fun redecorating and organizing and making a beautiful place for you and your husband and I have a feeling you will have some sweet visits from a little cutie pie. Enjoy this time.

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