Go Out Into All The World and Share The Gospel (and next door) – Part 2

I know you have been hanging on by your fingernails waiting for my Part 2 on this topic! Oh, you haven’t? Well, here is the link to the first part to catch you up. Go Into All the World – Part 1. Have I mentioned I’m an excellent procrastinator? I can give lessons if you…

Go Into All The World and Share the Gospel! (and next door) – Part 1

If you’ve been in a strong Bible believing and preaching church, then you have for sure heard a sermon on going out into the world to preach the gospel. We immediately think of missionaries. We may even think of a mission trip to a foreign land. I have heard of some churches who actually do…

10 Ways to Become a Woman of Influence

Have you thought of building friendships with the ladies that serve with your in your church?  As a pastor’s wife, you have a group of ladies around you that are hungry to learn from you and most of all, to have a friend that loves them and prays for them.  I thought I would share…

The Glass House Can Get Messy!

After being in full time ministry alongside my husband for two decades of our marriage, I discovered that yes, being a pastor’s wife is a lonely place to be. At least that is how it was when we served. During our time, money was extremely tight, we never had any extra money for anything outside…

Confessions of a Former Pastor’s Wife

I am working on a book that will deal with the things that I witnessed personally and with others while serving in full-time ministry along side of my husband.  Yes; the good, the bad and the not so pretty.  I have such great memories and how thankful I am that God allowed me to serve…