Who Have You Invited Lately?

This thought has been going through my mind for some time now and I figured the only way to get it out of my head is to…..say it with me……..WRITE ABOUT IT! You are good! When I became a believer as a teen, I was taught right away to share what I had experienced which…

Need Ideas for Your Women’s Ministry?

Here we are for our final post on ideas for women’s ministry.  I just finished going through my  last file folder filled with everything from newsletters, brochures, typed messages, thank you notes and everything in between.  I found things that I had forgotten about and what fun it was to reminisce all those sweet memories….

Ideas for Women’s Ministry Events

While cleaning out my files and discarding papers, notes and many memories of my time volunteering in our women’s ministry, I decided to just make a list of the many events that our ministry held for our church and our community.  I hope they will inspire you to step out and take the risk of…

Tips On Creating a Newsletter for Your Women’s Ministry

Have you ever been a visitor at a church or maybe, you are a new member and you felt totally out of the loop.  You really don’t know anyone and you for sure don’t know what all is going on and what is offered in the way of activities and events.  Most churches have a…

My 10 Tips On Beginning a Women’s Ministry In Your Church…

Are you ready to talk about women’s ministry? Whether you are a leader, a participant or just curious about how to begin a women’s ministry, maybe the next couple of articles on my blog will be of some help. You may have a question such as, “Beverly, what could you possibly know about women’s ministry…

And….How’s It Going With Your New Year Plans?

It is January, 26th of the New Year!  How’s it going so far?  Are all your plans, goals and resolutions working out? For me, it’s going a bit slower than I planned.  I’m a dreamer, so I spend way too much time dreaming and then a bit slow on the action part. One of my…

Women’s Ministry Memories!

Our church was looking for a new youth pastor and the pastor asked my husband to fill in until they found someone.  I was 21 and hadn’t been married a year yet.  We took a group of teens to a winter camp in Colorado.  I was in a cabin with several girls and one night…