10 Ways to Enjoy An Empty Nest Christmas
After spending many fun filled years of making Christmas special for your busy family, now it’s just you and your husband. Or, it may just be you and no one else. Christmas can still be just as fun and festive, just in a different way. Children always make Christmas special! Now, with the children gone, it’s a bit quiet. You get to rest from all those years of non stop activity and searching for ways to make each Christmas the most memorable.
I hope this list of 10 Ways To Enjoy Your Empty Nest Christmas, will inspire you to make this a memorable Christmas! There are so many ways to enjoy this time of year; this list will just get you started.
- Get your calendar out and decide what all you want to accomplish this season. Make notes of any appointments, sites to see and area events to attend. Get your tickets early and set your plan in place.
- Decide how you want to celebrate Christmas. Will you have Christmas at your home or have you been invited to celebrate with others? Get invitations out to whomever you want to invite to your home for the special day.
- Have you always decorated your home over the top? You may want to continue or you may decide to scale back a little bit. But, if it makes your heart happy to see twinkling lights, then put them up even if it is just you that will see them. Decorate for you with the things that you like.
- If you have grandchildren that will be coming over during this season, have things ready and prepared for the visit, such as puzzles, crafts, Christmas books and movies.
- Speaking of children, invite your grandchildren over for baking cookies or a special craft time and just have fun. There might be a special exhibit in your area designed for kids at Christmas; take advantage of that and make a date with a grandchild. You may even know of a child that doesn’t have a grandparent. Adopting grandchildren would be a huge blessing to a parent.
- Make gift giving fun for friends and family members. Be creative and do something that is unique and special. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive. Just something that says, “I was thinking of you and love you.” Wrap your gifts with lots of love. Nothing better than a beautifully wrapped gift. Almost as fun as the gift itself in my book.
- Try out a new recipe and invite some friends over for dinner before Christmas and before everyone gets busy with their family. It’s always fun to have guests in our homes during the holidays.
- Have a Christmas Tea. Set a fun festive table and invite one or more friends over for a tea and have simple treats to eat.
- Volunteer at a local soup kitchen or shelter and help where needed. Donate money to your favorite charity. If you are crafty, make items that are needed for a ministry that helps others.
- Enjoy your quiet time and spend time reading. Take time to soak up the amazing story of God’s wonderful gift to us all those years ago. What a glorious time when the world comes together to acknowledge a little baby that was born to save the world. Some reject this good news, but if you have been changed because of Christ, you have reason to celebrate, whether you are at home alone with your twinkling lights or in the midst of a loud busy home full of activity……It is time to REJOICE!
- Bonus Tip! I thought of one more thing. The New Year is fast approaching. Take time this month to work on your goals, dreams and plans for the coming year. Pick out a planner that is just your style and get to planning for a successful coming year!
Merry Christmas! Enjoy your empty nest Christmas and make it a special one for yourself and those you are in contact with during this sweet season!
I would love to hear what you do to make your Christmas special each year! Comments are always fun to read, so feel free to leave a comment, it may inspire and encourage someone!
Click here to read other posts in this series of Making a Full House a Home for Two in The Empty Nest Years.