Blogkeeping Day

Today, I decided I needed to work on my blog a bit. I made up my own word, Blogkeeping! Instead of housekeeping, which I’m really good at, I am calling this blogkeeping which I’m not good at. I’m not good at the tech part. All I know is that I love writing and I know…

15th Anniversary of Blogging and Why I’m Still Here…

I’m trying so hard not to talk about how fast time flies. I find myself always saying, “I can’t believe it! It seems just like yesterday!” Nope, I’m not going to say it. Nope, I won’t say, “15 years!!! Seems like just yesterday when I nervously wrote my first post on my blog!” “Where has…

Happy 2022!

I’m excited about the new year, aren’t you? The last couple of years have been pretty crazy for sure. I bet we could share some very interesting stories over a glass of iced vanilla tea! Well, since it’s winter, maybe a cup of hot cocoa! If you live in west Texas, it can be 23…

Blog Talk

I’ve been thinking about my blog lately. I’ve had a few ideas on some changes. I even thought about discontinuing my blog writing. After taking a break from blogging over the summer, I realized that I miss writing. I’ve been blogging for over 10 years now and it’s part of who I am. That sounds…

An Over 50 Girl and Social Media

Social Media! Is it just me or does anyone else have a love/hate relationship with it? Where It All Began It all started in 2004. I went to my first writer’s conference. If you haven’t been to one, trust me when I say this….. your brain will explode! I just wanted to write a book…

Trying Hard to Love Social Media

Do you ever wish for the days when we didn’t have to carry a phone in our hands constantly?  Do you miss carrying on a real conversation with someone or receiving real letters in the mail?  If so, you are probably a “Baby Boomer” like me.  Younger folks today can’t even comprehend how it was…

My Billy Graham Story…

I’m sure you heard that Rev. Billy Graham passed away last week at the age of 99.  Were you familiar with him?  Do you have a Billy Graham story?  So many people do.  Something that my husband and I always say when we saw him on an interview or if we heard he met with…

It’s Time To Be Quiet!

  Happy New Year!  May the coming year be your best year ever! How was your 2017?  Mine was wonderful.  I’ve been working on my photo albums and I found all the pictures from this past year and not only did it seem like just yesterday that I took the pictures, but, we got to…

And The Winner Is……..

How fun this was!  My first giveaway on my blog!  After 10 years, it’s about time, isn’t it?! If you don’t know about the drawing, you can read about it here. Did you notice I said that I would do the drawing live?  Well, I am not able to do the live drawing plan.  In other…

Two Days Until My Blog Anniversary Giveaway!

Hi Friends! I just wanted to write a quick post to remind everyone that we have two days until I draw for the winner of a a gift basket.  I wanted to do a give-away in celebration of my 10 years of blogging! I love blogging and I especially love my readers!  You encourage me…