Fabulous Living in the Empty Nest Years

I have the honor of having new friends and lifelong friends who are my age or older. I thought it would be fun to share some of the amazing people that I know who haven’t let the empty nest years slow them down. Some have reinvented themselves after all the cuties have flown the nest…

10 Ways to Enjoy An Empty Nest Christmas

After spending many fun filled years of making Christmas special for your busy family, now it’s just you and your husband.  Or, it may just be you and no one else.  Christmas can still be just as fun and festive, just in a different way.  Children always make Christmas special!  Now, with the children gone,…

An Empty Nest Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Are you in the middle of the empty nest years and wondering how to make Christmas special for your empty nest home? When Jim and I married in 1980, we pulled together our Christmas traditions from our homes and meshed them together and came up with our own.  Before we had children, Christmas…

Your Time Will Come

  For the past few years my hubby and I have been able to do some things that we never were able to do when we were younger due to time, finances and the different schedules of us and our kiddos.  What fun it has been to be able to just get up and go…

Living a Life for Christ

Remember all those years wondering if you would ever be able to be consistent in your time of praying and reading your Bible daily without all the fun interruptions of caring for your children?  Well, this is it!  When your children have soared out of the nest, you are now responsible for every second of…

A Forgiving Heart

Today we are going to talk about, Forgiveness.  You might be saying, “Beverly, what does forgiveness have to do in Making a Full House a Home for Two?”  When we are setting the tone of our home, we want it to be peaceful, right?  Where unforgiveness lives, you probably won’t find much peace. Having a…

Be Your Authentic Self

Welcome back to my Write 31 Days series on, Making a Full House a Home For Two.  We are talking about life after our children leave our little nest that we have spent many years building.   Our kiddos have left and are now soaring like eagles. If you are like me, you looked at…

Embrace Life!

How many times did you tell your children to not worry about anything and just enjoy life?  If you are like me, you said that many times over the years.  What about you?  Do you enjoy life?  Are you enjoying your life as it is today? It is important that whatever season of life you…

Making A Full House A Home For Two!

I’m so excited to be participating in the #write31days for the month of October.  I had so many different ideas for what I wanted to write on this month and I settled on focusing in on the season of life that I am in right now, which is the “empty nest” season.  I’ve talked to…