Tea Time In Birmingham, Alabama!

What a special treat it was to be able to attend the Tea Time Magazine Retreat in Birmingham, Alabama. My dear friend, Tamara and I flew into Birmingham for three full days of fun. Lorna Reeves, editor of Tea Time Magazine, had a packed schedule for us. The moment we arrived at our beautiful hotel…

Christmas In Beverly’s Tea Room

I love decorating my Tea Room for Christmas. Since I decorate in pink/black at this time, it’s so much fun using pink Christmas decor that I haven’t been able to really use in other rooms of the house as it would clash too much. Fortunately, I had plenty of pink items. I will share the…

Happy 4th of July – 2022

The 4th of July is always such a festive holiday. It’s a time to celebrate our country and our freedoms. I don’t take them lightly, especially in this day and time. I’m not going to write a post on all the insanity going on in our country. Instead, I want to share how grateful I…

When All Else Fails…..Design a Tea Room!

When we built our home 12 years ago, we put a door from our dining area onto a gated patio. We called it our breakfast patio. I envisioned having nice morning brunch or breakfast out there on beautiful west Texas mornings. Well, things haven’t gone according to my dreams. If you know anything about west…