Patti’s Guest Room
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I have more to do on these rooms as well. It’s hard for me to find everything that will work all at once. Our shopping is sort of slim in our area. 🙂
Nate’s Guest Room
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I’m still working on our two guest rooms and baths. I will be on the search for needed items to complete the rooms on our next trip to Dallas and Oklahoma City.
Elegant Chic
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I’ve been trying to come up with a name for my decorating style. “Elegant Chic” That’s it. Which means, I like elegance and I like chic along with everything else. 🙂
Security Alarms…
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As we were driving to our home in Oklahoma, we got a call from the security company that a burglary was in the process and our alarm was going off. Our son-in-law, Rodrick, met the police at the house and sure enough, someone kicked the door in and ran straight upstairs. All this person wanted was my laptop and the power cord to my printer. I guess they were needing a laptop really bad and a cord to a printer! Maybe they will figure out it may be easier to go get a job like everyone else and buy their…
Vacation Time!
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I’m at our home in Oklahoma visiting our kids, playing with grandbabies and hopefully getting some writing done. Oklahoma is beautiful. It has been raining most everyday. I love rain, so it doesn’t bother me. Yesterday when I was heading home from some shopping I was driving very slow through a huge puddle of red muddy water. A car sped by and splashed my poor car. It was drenched in red mud! Not a very nice thing to do. I prayed for you, whoever you were!!! They have very good drainage here, unlike home, because I was looking for water…
No TV!
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Well, today I decided I was going to do without television for one week. I always use my digital recorder to record programs that I like to watch. But, I have decided that I have really wasted a lot of my time watching programs that I could be doing other things. Some of my favorite programs are: Fox News (I’m a news fan)Martha StewartOprah (when she has a decent program)Herman and Sharon (they interview authors)Life Today (they interview authors, singers and speakers)Hallmark moviesHGTV (decorating programs)Food Network (Semi-homemade, Paula Deen, etc. etc.) What I can do in place of television viewing:…