The Beauty of Sedona, Arizona

I took so many pictures of the scenery while on our Arizona/California Trip that I thought I should share them with you. Do you love flowers and landscapes like I do. They say that you should always have a person in the photo when taking pictures, but I can only do so many selfies and…

A Woman of Worth – Tamara

Today is the day that I get to introduce you to someone that has made an impact on my life. In my series, A Woman of Worth, you will meet women from all walks of life that I’ve been blessed to have them in my own life! I’m trusting that you will be encouraged by…

Who’s Up For Some Basketball?

I know what you are thinking? “What is Beverly doing talking about basketball; she doesn’t know a thing about the game of basketball!” Well, maybe I know a little bit about basketball than I let on! My brothers played and I went to many games in high school and I even enjoyed going to basketball…

A Woman of Worth – Nancy B.

You are going to enjoy meeting my friend, Nancy. In my series, A Woman of Worth, I will introduce you to women that have made an impact on my life. Many are friends I’ve had for years and some I haven’t known that long. Whatever the case, I hope you are inspired by them as…

Words for Mom….and Dad

I recently read this article by Alex Cravens and saved it and I read over it regularly. I thought maybe you would like to read it as well. I could write so much about what our country and our world is going through that can cause much fear in our lives and we can become…

What Is Your Fashion Style?

Have you ever had someone say to you, “I saw something while shopping that looked just like you!” We all have a certain style that we gravitate towards. Some of us may not really know for sure what we like; we just buy whatever we need at the moment and choose by price or a…

A Woman of Worth – Alicia

Welcome to my series, “A Woman of Worth.” I’m excited to introduce you to the many women who have impacted my life and inspired me throughout the different seasons of my life. I have a feeling they will inspire many of you as well. We never know the path that others have walked when we…

Fashion Friday – Spring 2023 Trends

Happy Friday! Today is a fun day to talk about the upcoming Spring Fashion Trends! Where I live, we are all over the place as far as weather is concerned. Today we had a dirt storm and this weekend, snow is predicted. Last week we had some 80 degree weather. I’ve already switched me closet…

A Woman of Worth – Jo

Welcome to my series, “A Woman of Worth.” I’m excited to introduce you to the many women who have impacted my life and inspired me throughout the different seasons of my life. I have a feeling they will inspire many of you as well. We never know the path that others have walked when we…

Is Homeschooling For You?

Are you thinking about homeschooling your kiddos? Maybe the thought has crossed your mind and you think to yourself that there is no way you would even attempt it. It’s possible you have a desire to give it a try but you are fearful to begin. The thoughts of ruining your kids of any chances…