A Woman of Worth – Tamara
Today is the day that I get to introduce you to someone that has made an impact on my life. In my series, A Woman of Worth, you will meet women from all walks of life that I’ve been blessed to have them in my own life! I’m trusting that you will be encouraged by something in each one of their stories that will ignite something within you to keep on living life to the fullest!
Speaking of “ignite.” Tamara’s desire is to ignite a desire in women to know that they are loved by an amazing God. When you meet Tamara face to face you can’t help but smile, as her smile is contagious.
I met Tamara about 22 years ago. My family and I were living in Edmond, Oklahoma at that time. We were new to the city and attending a wonderful church called Faith Bible. During the Christmas season, our daughter Patti and I went downtown Oklahoma City to attend a Christmas event with the Symphony. Our tickets were on the front row of the balcony. We dressed up and headed downtown. During intermission Patti and I turned around to say hi to the people behind us. We began a conversation and discovered that we went to the same church. Our paths had never crossed, so it was fun getting to know one another. Tamara happened to be the lady that we visited with and I mentioned we ought to meet for lunch one day. Long story short, we met for lunch a couple of days later. Patti wasn’t able to go with me as she had to work that day. I met Tamara at a cute little sandwich shop and she and her two little girls were with her. The main thing I remember is when I sat down her adorable little girls handed me a beautiful gift of a tea set. I was floored as it was so lovely and such a surprise. We had a great visit that day. It was the beginning of much more in store that I had no idea.
I’ll fast forward a bit and share that our Patti and Rodrick, Tamara and Larry’s son, began seeing each other. It was such a fun time. So many sweet memories. We had many family get togethers during this time and we got to witness our kids fall in love with one another. Eventually Patti and Rodrick were married.
Needless to say, Tamara and I now share 6 of the most beautiful grandkiddos ever! 🙂 It has been an amazing adventure of watching our kids build their home and life. I’ve also enjoyed calling Tamara my friend over these past 20 plus years.
I can’t wait for you to meet Tamara and I now have the honor of sharing her story with you and I know without a doubt you will be inspired.
I asked Tamara a few questions and I’ll share her words with you….
Larry and I have been married for 46 years. I can’t believe it! We were high school sweethearts. We began as friends in jr. high, Sunday school and our youth group at church. During our first years of marriage, Larry coined the word” Husfriend.” He drove his car with this on his license plate for many years. Our goal was that we were to be best friends and husband and wife. He truly has achieved this and has consistently been my best friend and the love of my life! It has been an exciting, full of ups and downs journey. We lived in California, Indiana, New Mexico, Texas and now we call Oklahoma our home. Many twists and turns over the years. Five years ago, Larry was diagnosed with stage 3 Hodgkins’s Lymphoma. He is now in remission and is still has treatments every month. God has truly been made real to us as we walk through this time to make every moment count for our relationship, with our children, grandchildren, family, friends and anyone God puts in our path to share and encourage.
I was 7 years old when I asked Jesus to come into my heart. My mom and grandmother always had me, my sister at church on Sunday morning, Sunday nights, Wednesday nights and every revival that came along. During one of the many revivals, there was a lady evangelist who came for a week. Her name was Ethel Hookie. She was Scottish and I was totally intrigued with this lady This was the first time I had ever seen a woman evangelist. I loved her accent! Even though she sweat a lot, talked loud, and not a very good singer, I was really scared of her. But, her heart was so pure. Her message was so simple and her love for Jesus just drew me in. The altar call was given every night. On the the third or fourth night, I was overwhelmed to go to the front and ask Jesus to come into my heart! She knelt by me so gentle and I repeated her words in my prayer of asking Jesus to be Lord of my life. I have always known that was truly when i accepted Christ as my Savior.
My favorite scripture has always been Proverbs 3:4-5. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him and He she direct your paths.” Which I love! But in recent years as my journey goes on, Psalm 34:8 has resonated with me. “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good. Blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him.” Maybe because the older I get, the more on my knees I am. I need more refuge in my Lord! I always need to taste His goodness! Oh, how good He is!
“If God is your partner, make your plans BIG.” – D. L. Moody
I have always had big hopes and dreams. If there is a challenge to be had, I’m your girl! Planning and executing that hope, dream or plan was going to be and complete! God has blessed me with more fulfilled hopes and dreams than what I desire. My purpose of life is my relationship with HIM! To share HIM with others. I have served hundreds of thousands of cups of tea in my business at Inspirations Tea Room. One cup at a time. Every plate that comes out of our kitchen at Inspirations, has a Bible verse on it. To date this year is 20 years total and more than 1 million scripture verses have been placed on each plate. One person at a time; loving and encouraging them with hospitality as they go through their journey in life. I am still finding my way in this journey.
“God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say the arrival would be worthwhile.” -Max Lucado
I hope to be remembered as a woman who loved her Lord, her family and friends. Steadfast and strong in her faith. That she found her passion, encouraged and shared Christs love with everyone she met. I want my legacy to be carried on through my children and grandchildren.
“Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” I Thessalonians 5:11
I told you that you would love Tamara. I know her words inspired and encouraged you. Something that she said may have put a spark in your step to keep on keeping on. I hope so!
Thank you, Tamara for letting me share you with my readers!
You can visit Tamara and Larry’s businesses at the links below and if you are ever in the Edmond, Oklahoma area you must visit and say hi! Tell them Beverly sent you! 😉
If you missed any of the previous posts of my “A Woman of Worth” series, here are the links:
If you have a never made Jesus Lord of your life, click here to learn more.
I’m sure I met Tamara in the past, at least at Patti’s wedding. It was good to hear her story and about her love for Jesus. Thanks Beverly and Tamara for sharing!
Hi Carol, Thank you for your kind comment and I bet you did meet her at the wedding! 🙂
So fun to read this… I remember meeting Tamara and the amazing story of Patti and Roderick’s meeting…what a very special time that was for you all. God was definitely moving to put you all together. What a wonderful testimony of faith, determination, diligence, and the wonderful blessings God gives to those who earnestly seek Him. Tamara certainly is a woman of worth and you are both blessed to be such good friends and grandmas to such wonderful grandchildren.
Hi Karin! Thank you for your sweet comment. What a fun time that was. I have sweet memories of you and your girls during that time frame as well. I’ll always remember meeting you and getting to know you and your amazing family. What a treat!