A Woman of Worth – Alicia
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Welcome to my series, “A Woman of Worth.” I’m excited to introduce you to the many women who have impacted my life and inspired me throughout the different seasons of my life. I have a feeling they will inspire many of you as well. We never know the path that others have walked when we first meet them. Whatever we are going through, we can usually find someone that will inspire us in the very thing that we need encouragement in. Through this series, I hope you will enjoy meeting the women that I have had the blessing of having…
Fashion Friday – Spring 2023 Trends
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Happy Friday! Today is a fun day to talk about the upcoming Spring Fashion Trends! Where I live, we are all over the place as far as weather is concerned. Today we had a dirt storm and this weekend, snow is predicted. Last week we had some 80 degree weather. I’ve already switched me closet over to Spring/Summer. I put my boots away and I have all my sandals and open toe shoes ready to go. I might be digging some boots back out tomorrow. But, let’s forget about all of that and talk abut a few of the fashion…
A Woman of Worth – Jo
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Welcome to my series, “A Woman of Worth.” I’m excited to introduce you to the many women who have impacted my life and inspired me throughout the different seasons of my life. I have a feeling they will inspire many of you as well. We never know the path that others have walked when we first meet them. Whatever we are going through, we can usually find someone that will inspire us in the very thing that we need encouragement in. Through this series, I hope you will enjoy meeting the women that I have had the blessing of having…
Is Homeschooling For You?
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Are you thinking about homeschooling your kiddos? Maybe the thought has crossed your mind and you think to yourself that there is no way you would even attempt it. It’s possible you have a desire to give it a try but you are fearful to begin. The thoughts of ruining your kids of any chances of being successful in life haunt you or you think that you barely made it through school yourself so how could you possibly educate your own children. If you are having these thoughts and other fearful thinking…you are at the right place! Don’t worry, I…
Happy March 2023!
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March 2023! How’s your March going so far? We had another huge dirt storm yesterday. I had just cleaned up from the last one. I was so proud of myself, the day after our last one, I cleaned all our windows and dusted the shutters, furniture and mopped the kitchen floor AGAIN!. When we have dust storms our kitchen counters will have a layer of dirt and you know me, I can’t rest until I get them cleaned. I always wonder how much dirt we breathe in and get in our lungs. Oh, well, that’s something to think about later….
Wondering What To Wear?
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The new Closet Outfit Planner is about to be released for the 2023 Spring season. I just ordered mine and I can’t wait to see all the outfits that are demonstrated by using 27 pieces to create 30 + different outfits. I love fashion and one of my favorites are separates. The Closet Outfit Planner is a guide that shows you specifically how to put separates together to create different looks. How do you get the planner? You go to this link and it will take you straight to the Style By Color website. You can read all about the…