Let’s Go Shopping!

Shopping has always been a favorite for me. Even as a little girl I would scan the Sear’s catalog and mark the clothes I wanted to begin 1st grade. I can still envision a dress I saw when my mom went out with some friends shopping one time. It was the cutest black and white…

What Is Your Fashion Style?

Have you ever had someone say to you, “I saw something while shopping that looked just like you!” We all have a certain style that we gravitate towards. Some of us may not really know for sure what we like; we just buy whatever we need at the moment and choose by price or a…

Fashion Friday – Spring 2023 Trends

Happy Friday! Today is a fun day to talk about the upcoming Spring Fashion Trends! Where I live, we are all over the place as far as weather is concerned. Today we had a dirt storm and this weekend, snow is predicted. Last week we had some 80 degree weather. I’ve already switched me closet…

Wondering What To Wear?

The new Closet Outfit Planner is about to be released for the 2023 Spring season. I just ordered mine and I can’t wait to see all the outfits that are demonstrated by using 27 pieces to create 30 + different outfits. I love fashion and one of my favorites are separates. The Closet Outfit Planner…

Winter Closet Outfit Planner -2022

If you have followed me for long you know about the Closet Outfit Planners that come out each season. Well, the new Winter planner is out now and it’s really nice! I have mine and its been fun to put outfits together by following the planner suggestions. If you want to read more about it…

Fall 2022 Closet Outfit Planner

Fall is my favorite season for fashion! I love the colors, boots, cozy fashion and the list goes on and on. Don’t even get me started on fall decorating. Well, I will be sharing that soon, so be prepared. A girl just has to share don’t you think? Okay, back to the main point of…

A Peek In My Closet

This past weekend I took on a project to clean out, declutter and organize my closet. I also did the same in our bedroom, bathroom and my office which is connected to our bedroom. I either donated, found a new place or stored the unwanted items. It feels so good to get that done. I…

Fashion Friday – Spring 2022 Closet Outfit Planner

Good news! The Spring 2022 Closet Outfit Planner is ready! Click here to read more about it. I have been getting one for each season and it’s always so helpful in putting outfits together for the new season. There are even links if you see something you would like to purchase, such as that perfect…

Fashion Friday – Spring 2022 Trends

It’s always so much fun to see what the new trends are each season. I admit, some trends are pretty way out there and I wouldn’t touch some of them. I always get excited when a trend is something that I love, or better yet, something that has come back into style that I’ve hung…

A Great Tool For Organizing Your Fashions

I have purchased the Closet Outfit Planner from Fashion Meets Faith since it was first designed as a new tool for women to have help in choosing their clothing for each new season. If you are familiar with the 27 Hangers program, this works perfectly with it. Imagine going into your closet each morning and…