Need Ideas for Your Women’s Ministry?
Here we are for our final post on ideas for women’s ministry. I just finished going through my last file folder filled with everything from newsletters, brochures, typed messages, thank you notes and everything in between. I found things that I had forgotten about and what fun it was to reminisce all those sweet memories. I did hang on to a few things that I just couldn’t let go of. I’m saving things like newsletters, newspaper clippings, pictures and some videos of some event promotions. I’ll check back on them in a year or so and maybe I will let go of them then, but for now, just so hard to let it go.
So, are you ready for a few ideas for ministries within your women’s ministry? I really hope some of this will spark some interest for you somehow and maybe help you develop ideas that fit your group of ladies.
Here we go:
Cancer Support Group
First Place Weight Loss Program/Bible Study
Heart to Heart Widow Support Group
Homeschool Mom Support Group
University Classes for Women (Bible Studies)
Ladies Exercise Class
Moms of Teens Support Group
My Time Mom’s Group
Spanish Women’s Ministry
Home Bible Study
Woman to Woman Mentoring
Women’s Ministry Network (Area Women’s Ministry Directors)
Women of the Word Bible Class
Virtue College Girls Bible Study
Tae Bo/Pilates Class
MOPS – Mothers of Preschoolers
Things Treasured Scrapbooking Club
Writing for Him
Women of Grace Bible Study
Deacon Wives Book Club
*Many workshops were taught over the years covering all types of topics that pertained to women in all walks of life. The Lord always provided just the right lady that was willing to share and serve in the capacity. This was always one of my favorites.
The theme for all of the ministries was the following:
Pursuing Godliness
“…teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously and godly in the present age looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ.” Titus 2:12-13
In our city we have a home for moms and their children who are needing a fresh start in life and this was a great place to provide ministry that would reach out to the moms with help of all kinds. The women’s ministry blessed the kids with “Operation Backpack,” which provides a backpack filled with school supplies at the beginning of the school year. At Christmas children and the moms received gifts from their wish lists. Also, the moms were blessed with items to set up housekeeping in the way of home furnishings, food and toiletries. Special classes and Bible studies were provided as well.
A baby shower was held for our local Life Center that provides counseling and services for crisis pregnancies.
One last thing to share with you. Two books were created and published by the ladies and for two consecutive years, these books were given to all the women in attendance on Mother’s Day as a gift from the Women’s Ministry.
The two books were:
“Pearls of Wisdom” – “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and her tongue is the law of kindness.” Proverbs 31:26 This book was filled with stories written by ladies of the church sharing the best advice they received that encouraged them in their walk with Christ.
“….and with God’s grace, she lived happily ever after.” – This was a book compiled of salvation stories of many of the ladies in the church. This was an awesome project to put together and we saw much fruit from it. One sweet story I can share is a dear lady of the church couldn’t write her salvation story simply because she didn’t have one. She came to Christ because of this book. She gave her life to Christ and now has a beautiful story to tell.
The ladies also put together a beautiful cookbook; “The Fruit of the Spirit.”
At a “Friendship Tea,” a small recipe book was given to each attendee. It was filled with tea time recipes and encouraging quotes on friendship; “Recipes and Reflections.”
Women’s Ministry can be such an amazing ministry to the ladies of your church. When you see the needs of the ladies in your own church as well as the community, you can be creative and come up with a million ways to serve, provide friendship and encourage a life to be lived fully for Christ.
I’ve always said that a woman’s life can change her home life, which can change her church, which can change her city, which can change her country, which can change her world. So, why wouldn’t a church be sure to have a strong dedicated ministry to women?
It’s pretty funny, well, not funny, sort of sad to learn of the attitude of some churches on the idea of a women’s ministry. When we were putting together a city wide conference, I called all the churches possible. One of the churches the pastor answered the phone. I introduced myself and told him why I was calling. When I asked if he had a contact name so I could mail information about the conference, he hung up on me. Yes…he did, really!
If you are involved in women’s ministry, I pray that you are successful in every area and love every second of it. Always remember, the enemy doesn’t want to see women living a life sold out for Christ, so be ready for the evil one to try to destroy. Trust me, he will use whatever vessel is available. Everything you do, should be prayed about and have the blessing of your husband, pastor and you should know fully well what the Lord would have you do. The best place to ever be is in the center of God’s perfect will. When you are there, nothing can stop you. Keep your eyes on Christ.
When the time comes for you to step down from women’s ministry and you know without a doubt that is what God wants you to do, know that you gave your best and did your best. Hopefully, the ministry will flourish in the hands of someone else. If it doesn’t, you have to realize, there isn’t anything you can do about it. It’s all in God’s hands. Your season has passed and it’s time for a new season for your life.
So, there you go….maybe something helped and maybe it didn’t. At least I got my files cleared out and I was able to put in writing some things I don’t want to forget. I’m pretty sure I will have to share some other things sometime about women’s ministry as it is one of my passions.
I would love to hear what you are doing in the way of encouraging other women to live a life for Him.
Here are the links to the previous posts in this series:
How’s It Going With Your New Year Plans?
My 10 Tips For Beginning a Women’s Ministry
Tips On Beginning a Women’s Ministry Newsletter
Ideas for Women’s Ministry Events