And….How’s It Going With Your New Year Plans?
It is January, 26th of the New Year! How’s it going so far? Are all your plans, goals and resolutions working out?
For me, it’s going a bit slower than I planned. I’m a dreamer, so I spend way too much time dreaming and then a bit slow on the action part.
One of my goals for this year is to have my entire house totally dejunked and uncluttered. No more hanging on to things in case I need them. The easiest part is cleaning out drawers and cabinets. The hardest is my closet. It’s organized and cleaned out, I just have an excess amount of clothes. Oh, I guess I should mention… in a couple of sizes. I keep thinking I will fit into some of my favorites. I’ve given myself a deadline of fitting into the smaller sizes and if I don’t reach it…out it goes. Which…is hard, because everything in my closet I LOVE! I’ll keep you posted on that one.
As I was cleaning out my office, I came across all of my things from when I served as a women’s ministry director of our church for nine years. I was thumbing through them and what sweet memories came across my desk. I can remember each one. I loved serving in this capacity and I miss it terribly. After nine years it became evident it was time to pass the torch, maybe I should say baton, on to someone else.
Before I get rid of all of these items I thought I would do a few blog posts on the subject of Women’s Ministry. I’m not an expert by any means, but, I might know a little tiny bit and if I can pass on any info that will help someone….I will do my best. With all the highs, there were a couple of lows and hopefully, those will only help you to do what maybe I should have done better.
I kept a file with cards and notes that I received from so many sweet ladies over the years. I will really hate to part with those, but, I guess I shouldn’t hang on to them forever, right? As I was reading them, there were a couple that weren’t so sweet. I learned very fast that not everyone was as excited about women’s ministry as I was and they were determined to always cause a problem. Maybe just maybe if you are dealing with an issue such as that, I can help. Hindsight is always better, isn’t it! I didn’t really have anyone to glean wisdom from personally. I mainly received my encouragement from books and workshops on the subject of women’s ministry. More on that later.
Stay tuned and I’ll be writing my article on this subject and maybe spend about three days on it next week. So, if you don’t have any interest at all in ministering to women, hang with me, it won’t last forever, I promise. But, for those of you that are in women’s ministry or you just attend your local women’s ministry events, maybe there will be a tiny bit of something to encourage you.
Okay, back to my decluttering and I will see you Monday morning with the first article on Women’s Ministry. You may hear from me before then about a couple of other things swirling in my mind.
Have a great Friday and a restful weekend!
Hi Beverly. Im looking for something to teach at a ladies lunch about the bible. Any ideas
Hi Brenda, there are so many ideas, but I’m thinking a good choice could possibly be, to share your testimony with the Bible and what it means to you and your experience in reading and studying your Bible….why it’s important to you. Then encourage them to do the same. I would love for you to read my post on my personal Bible reading style at this time. Here is the link:
Maybe give different ideas of Bible reading plans. You could talk about the various versions of the Bible. I would love to hear how it goes for you! Blessings on your ministry in encouraging women in their walk with Christ.
Hi again, Brenda! The link didn’t post for some reason. I hope that helps. You can also go into the search box on the side of my blog and type in, Do You enjoy reading the Bible and it should take you to it.