Blog Talk

I’ve been thinking about my blog lately. I’ve had a few ideas on some changes. I even thought about discontinuing my blog writing. After taking a break from blogging over the summer, I realized that I miss writing. I’ve been blogging for over 10 years now and it’s part of who I am. That sounds strange doesn’t it?
Why did you start a blog, Beverly?
I created a blog after attending a writer’s conference and I was encouraged to create an online presence. As I’ve shared before, publishers don’t want to see your work until they see how many followers you have. As I began blogging, I loved it. It was filling a part of me that loved writing. Shortly after I began my blog, I got involved in women’s ministry at my church. I loved writing to encourage women in their walk with Christ. As I wrote for others, I was really encouraging myself! Does that make sense? I also loved the people that I met through blogging. I’ve met like minded people who had the same goals as I did. I also love when I get a comment that is encouraging and motivating.
How long do you plan to keep blogging?
Good question! I have no idea! I’m guessing when I feel like the Lord wants me to stop, He will let me know. I do know that in my mind, I have set some goals and statistics that I hope to see by a certain time and if reach those, that will be what keeps me going. If not, I will take it as my time to discontinue my blog writing. I pray about everything and that is what I expressed to the Lord.
What is your purpose for your blog?
Well, the name of my blog is His Heart, My Desire. Which means, the desire of my heart is to have a heart like His. So, as I write on the topics that I choose to write about, I only hope to inspire others to strive to have a heart like Christ. All the while living life to the fullest!
If I get to the place that my writing does not inspire or encourage, I will stop. The main way that I can tell if I am doing that is by the response I get from my readers. I love the comments left on my blog and the emails that I receive commenting on something that they read that triggered something or was an encouragement in their lives.
What exactly do you write about?
Now, that’s a tough one. I LOVE everything, so I have a huge long list of things that I love to write about. I’ve been taught that you write what you know. I’ve been in some unique places and have had some crazy experiences. Sometimes I think I’m not normal because the things I’ve been through aren’t your basic normal things.
Here is a short list of some of my favorite topics:
Home and Family, Decorating, Fashion, Bible Study, Pastors Wife, Women’s Ministry, Holiday’s, Writing, Testimonial, Genealogy, Blogging, Life Purpose, Grandchildren, Homeschooling, Empty Nest, Travel, Photography and the list goes on and on and on.

Now for my latest ideas for my blog. I would love for you to subscribe to my blog and that way you never miss a post. Not to mention in how great it would sound to a publisher that I have a million subscribers. A million? Anyway, if you choose not to, that is perfectly fine. I know how it is to not want clutter in your inbox. But, if you do….thank you!
I have decided to change my settings to where you will only receive one email a week that will have all the links to the blog posts for that week. Instead of getting an email each time I post you will just get one, which hopefully will be in newsletter style. Lately, I panic if I write too much, I think, “oh, I’d hate for someone to say…there she is again, cluttering up my inbox!” So at the end of this week, I will put together a newsletter that will have the links to each blog post for the week. I hope that makes sense. I sure hope I can do it. My computer skills are lacking. It’s a miracle that I can blog.
Now…I have a question for you….
What subjects inspire or encourages you the most? Is there something you would like to read or see on my blog? Feel free to email me at I would love to hear you thoughts and ideas.
One last thing….I do not blog to make money. So you will not see pop ups or ads. If I do have a link to something, it is because I am sharing something that I use or love. There have been a few times that I use an affiliate link of something that I recommend, such as an Amazon product or through another company I purchase from. IF…I make any money from those, I use that to donate to a couple of human trafficking organizations that I support.
There you go, my thoughts on my blogging world!

I love your heart friend and am so excited to hear what God lays on your heart each week!
Terri! You are so sweet! Thank you for the affirmation!
Beverly this is Janice Williams. Would there be anyway we could talk on the phone or email concerning Anxiety. I have been dealing with Anxiety all my life and I need major healing from God.
Hi Janice! I would love to visit with you. I will contact you through your contact info that I have.