It’s Time To Be Quiet!
Happy New Year! May the coming year be your best year ever!
How was your 2017? Mine was wonderful. I’ve been working on my photo albums and I found all the pictures from this past year and not only did it seem like just yesterday that I took the pictures, but, we got to see some beautiful places. I loved all the family times from the past year, too. Many memories were made.
Did you accomplish all those goals that you set in January of 2017? I didn’t; I’ll just say that right away. Matter of fact, I need to find my list so I can mark the things I did accomplish and work on those I didn’t. This time of year, you hear so much about goals and resolutions. You also will hear how some people don’t believe in setting goals and resolutions. I never understood that. I think we should always be striving to be better at who we are. Matter of fact, we should strive to be more Christlike in our actions, our thoughts and our attitudes. We will be talking about that this year on this blog. I hope you will join me and together we can learn how to have a heart like His. I hope that is your desire. It’s a good one to have. I love what my pastor said, “The only way to find out who God is and how He thinks, is to read His word; get to know Him.”
Do you choose a word for the year? I have the last couple of years and I have had a verse going through my mind for the past few months and I have felt like the Holy Spirit was speaking to me about some things. I will share with you some of those things in some upcoming blog posts. I will say that the word I have chosen to be my word of the year is, Quiet. There is so much to say about that little word. I look forward to sharing some things about the word Quiet with you soon. I grew up very quiet and shy and I’m still pretty much that way now. This is a different kind of quiet. For many years now, life has been going so fast and we have been busy. We are in the midst of the “empty nest” years and trying to find my place of what I am to be busy doing or not doing has been a struggle for me. In my quiet time, I have constantly heard a nudge to just be quiet. Take time to listen and not worry about where I’m supposed to be, how I’m supposed to be and what I should and shouldn’t be doing. I am to slow down….be quiet and listen. I still have a very full and active life, but, it will be a bit different as I will be more quiet and listening to the voice of my Father.
Wouldn’t that be awesome to go away to a cabin for a few weeks and do nothing but spend time with God and just listen for His voice? I won’t be doing that, but, I will be busy with my responsibilities and working on my goals that I have set for the coming year while listening more than I ever have.
I wanted to take a moment to thank you for being a reader of my blog, His Heart, My Desire. My goal is to encourage you to live a life completely sold out for Christ. We can still partake in all the fun things in life and still have a heart for the things of God. If you are a regular reader, you may have noticed that I talk about so many different things about home and family, travel, crafts, friends…it just goes on and on. Sometimes, I have so much I want to say and I don’t want to hog a conversation with all MY thoughts…..hence….a blog. I can talk and talk and I don’t have to worry if someone can hear me or if I’m interrupting someone. You can just click out anytime you want and I won’t even know about it. I’ll just be talking away as if the world is listening. I’ve had so much fun with this blog and I have met some amazing friends through the blogging world. I love reading your comments and hearing your heart.
If you are new to His Heart, My Desire or you landed here be accident, I do hope you will come back for another visit soon. I’m not a theologian by any means, (that is my husbands department.) I’m a simple girl who loves Jesus with all her heart and loves to encourage others to love Him too.
I’ve seen some crazy things in my 58 years and been through some pretty crummy things, too. I’ve also seen and been through some very wonderful and amazing things. I’ve seen the goodness of people and I’ve seen the cruelty of people. I know you have too, and I love sharing some of those things to let you know that it will all be okay even when you think it won’t. I’ve had my heart hurt so deeply that I thought it was literally going to break in two. That is why we need each other. We need someone to say, “It’s going to be alright….you aren’t alone. There is an answer even when you think there isn’t.” I hope this blog will be something that will give you hope, encouragement and the confidence to be the best you possible and make a difference in our world.
May you have a wonderful 2018!

Quiet, I like that, but anyone that knows me would laugh and say ” Not Possible”.
I have thought about going to a motel for a few days with my Bible and a notebook and just be still and listen.
My husband and daughter (24 yrs. Old) don’t understand since I have no small children. But there is always noise.
I just want it to be me and my Lord.
Linda, I understand. Aren’t you thankful that we can still draw close to Him and hear His voice even in the midst of noise and busy-ness. I will pray that you get that quiet time each day with just you and your Bible and you will hear His voice. Blessings to you in 2018!
Thank you for your prayers, Beverly.