31 Days To A Heart Like His!


I’m excited to start a series for the entire month of October on:

                                                          31 Days To a Heart Like His!

I hope you will make this spot a regular stop in your day to get a quick dose of inspiration to have a heart like Jesus.

I’ve always been intrigued by the story of David in the Bible.  David had quiet a life.  All the ups and downs, troubles, triumphs and even having to pay deeply for the sin in his life.  One thing was for sure, he loved God.  The thing that gets me the most about his story, is how he was described in Acts 13:22.

                                                    “A man after God’s own heart!”

I would love to hear God describe me as a “woman after God’s own heart.”  How about you?  How do you want God to describe you?

If you answered yes, then join me this month as we go through:

                                                  31 Days To a Heart Like His!

Something to think about today:

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your heart in being like His?

*1 – Not even close

*5 – I’m working on it

*10 – Confident that I would be described as a man/woman after God’s own heart!

You might be saying to yourself, “I don’t even know where to start in trying to have a heart like His.”  If that is you….you have come to the right place!  Let’s find out together and encourage each other to reach #10 on the scale!

Can you imagine how our world could change if more people would strive to have a heart like His? Let’s begin with you and me.

I’m ready, how about you?

                                                          As in water, face reflects face,

                                                      So a man’s heart reveals the man.

                                                          Proverbs 27:19 (NKJV)

What is your heart revealing about you?

Each day I will have a link for each topic.  You can mark this as your landing page and read and re-read any posts as we go along!

Day 1 – A Changed Heart

Day 2 – A Loving Heart

Day 3 – A Compassionate Heart

Day 4 – A Heart of Mercy

Day 5 – Don’t Make Me Angry!

Day 6 –

Day 7 –

Day 8 –

Day 9 –

Day 10 –

Day 11 –

Day 12 –

Day 13 –

Day 14 –

Day 15 –

Day 16 –

Day 17 –

Day 18-

Day 19 –

Day 20 –

Day 21 –

Day 22 –

Day 23 –

Day 24 –

Day 25 –

Day 26 –

Day 27 –

Day 28 –

Day 29 –

Day 30 –

Day 31 –



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