#2 – A Loving Heart!
The first thing most people will say about God is usually, “God Is Love.” You can find those words printed on just about everything. I’m wondering if we get immune to the words, “God Is Love.”
“…for God is love.” I John 4:8
God loves us, even in our sin. As a matter of fact, He loves us so much that he sent His own son to die a horrible and cruel death on the cross, just to prove to us just how much He loves us. He also loves us so much that He gives us a choice. We can either accept His love or not.
Isn’t it amazing to know that God loves us right where we are, just how we are. I’m also thankful with the thought that He loves us too much to leave us where we are. As we learn and grow in God’s love, we begin to love others and take care in the way that we present ourselves in order to show just what God’s love did for us.
How’s your heart in the love department?
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love…” Galatians 5:22
It’s easy to love those that love us and are easy to love. It’s easy to love those that look good, smell good and say nice things to us.
What about loving those that we have a pretty good idea they aren’t too fond of us? It’s hard isn’t it? They hurt and they want other’s to hurt us. They are happiest when we don’t feel any type of love from them or anyone else.
Loving those that can’t do anything for us may be a challenge. How can we show love to someone that has nothing to offer us? Do we even have to have a reason to love someone?
“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12
Did you know that we can show love just by the look on our face, the tone of our voice, the words we use, our time? We can even show what kind of love we have by the statements that we make on social media.
How long must we know about God’s love and how much He loves us to be able to have love naturally flow from our heart? Do you immediately know when you have done something that you know didn’t show God’s love?
Did you make it right? That’s the hard part, isn’t it?
When we have a changed heart, we will have a convicted heart when we don’t show God’s love to others.
Is this something you need to work on today? I know I do! I want A Heart Like His, I want a heart full of love for those that God loves!
We might need to mention what the opposite of love is… hate.
Do you have hatred in your heart?
Someone not too long ago made a comment about how they didn’t like someone and they couldn’t stand them! When I mentioned the word hate, they said, “hate is such a strong word, I didn’t say hate.” I said,” if you don’t love someone, you hate them, right? “Oh, no, I just dislike them, and I can say anything I want about them.”
So, when you dislike someone, how is that different than hate?
That gets us to this, do you have a heart full of love…..or hate?
Which do you want the most of?
Is there something you need to take care of today? If you are like me, the answer to that is, yes!
*Ask God for forgiveness for having hatred in our heart.
*Ask someone to forgive us if we have hurt them with our hate.
*Ask God to help us love the people that we have a hard time loving.
*Fill our minds with loving thoughts.
*Spend our time with positive thinking.
*Read God’s Word and let Him speak to us about anything that our heart may be lacking when it comes to loving others.
*Take our issues to God.
*Get over ourselves and live life without always worrying who loves us and who doesn’t.
*Show others how much we love them!
A Loving Heart is what I want, how about you?
Click here to go to the beginning of 31 Days To A Heart Like His

Thank you, Beverly. I needed to read this today…I need to carry it with me today and for many days ahead. I want God to change my heart. I know that He is doing that, as He has brought someone who very soon will be part of our family that I am having a hard time loving. I know that He has a purpose in this for me…someone that He has ordained in my life that I can not walk away from. I praise Him for that! There are times where I feel His grace over me, then love abounds, but also times where I need to exercise that love, and I don’t do a very good job at it. He is faithful! And look here…as I start my day…an excellent reminder to love… Thank you. <3
Karin, thank you for leaving such a heartfelt comment! I prayed for you as you are going through a difficult situation. I’m anxious to hear how everything has gone since this post. I’m thankful, this was an encouragement to you!