#3 – A Heart of Compassion!
“The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, Slow to anger and great in mercy.” Psalm 145:8
Do you have that yearning desire to have a heart like His? We talked about having a heart of love in our last post. Today, let’s talk a little bit about compassion. I don’t think there is any way to get around not having compassion on others, when having a heart like His!
Oh, how thankful I am, that He had compassion on me and sought me out and saved me from my sin. My life changed completely that day at the age of 14. My hopes, dreams and desires changed. I now had a Savior to lean on during those times of feeling abandoned, lonely and confused on who I was and what I was to do with my life.
Now, 45 years later I can look back and see how He ordered my steps and the blessings are beyond comprehension. Yes, there have been things that have happened that I thought would be the end of the world to me; betrayal, hurt, confusion, etc. I honestly believe that having a heart of compassion is one of the things that can keep you from growing cold and distant.
When other’s hurt you, if you could look on that person with compassion instead of anger (easier said than done) it will help. Compassion for someone who has come to the place in their life where they have allowed coldness into their hearts so much that it doesn’t phase them to hurt others with their words or actions.
Looking at our world and all the trouble that is going on, we can look on with compassion. Be ready, because compassion usually leads to action. When you have compassion on someone or something, you will probably want to do something about what you are seeing. That is a good thing! What are you involved in or support due to you having compassion for that issue or person?
Have you been somewhere and you saw something that broke your heart? Did you reach out and try to help? It could be the only thing you can do is… pray for that person.
Many times I have been out and about and have noticed a child being mistreated by an adult or the situation just didn’t look safe or healthy. I always begin praying for that child that God would intervene and protect.
How many times do we get annoyed at the person on the corner asking for money. Instead of being angry and making fun of that person, it would be a good thing if we prayed for them and have compassion on their lives that they have come to such a low place to that is what keeps them going each day; begging for money.
When traveling through areas of the country, you will usually see businesses on the highway that attract those that don’t have any morals or respect for women. I usually pray that it would go out of business somehow, someway. I also pray for those that are working in such a place to have a change of heart….that someone would be able to reach them and show them a better way to make a living. I pray for the patrons of such a business. Seeing things like that makes my heart hurt and angry, but I always try to have compassion on the people that are in there.
It’s possible that you may even have family members who have made it their mission to try their best to make you feel as useless and worthless as possible. Our first reaction is to get mad, then, we are hurt. Compassion for these people will be one of the only things that can help you deal with the situation. It’s sad that someone would be in a place so dark that they have no hope of having compassion on anyone else. These type of people are so wrapped up in themselves they aren’t able to reach out to anyone with kindness unless it benefits them. They love making other’s feel bad because that is the only way they feel good about themselves.
Don’t lose your compassion for others. If you feel a coldness or cynicism creeping in, take care of it immediately.
*Read God’s Word! Learn who He is and of His compassion on you and me.
*Think positive!
*Think of good things!
*Be careful of the people you are around. If you hang around compassionless people, you will probably be the same very soon.
*Ask God to give you compassion.
*Get involved in a ministry or organization that is helping with a situation or issue that has tugged at your heart.
*Next time someone hurts you, look at them with compassion instead of anger! (at least give it a try)
“Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous; not returning evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary blessing, knowing that you were called to this, that you may inherit a blessing.” I Peter 3:8-9