It’s Fall, Ya’ll!
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I finally made it to my blog! I took a summer break with every intention of posting in September. Life had some interesting turns since the end of May and it has been non-stop since then. I will share a few things with you in the next couple of weeks. But, today I wanted to share a few fall photos of some decorating around our home. To be honest with you, it took every thing I had in me to get my decorating done. I secretly wished we could go away on a 6 month cruise and not have to…
Do You Love Fall Fashion?
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If you are like me, you are excited fall is fast approaching. I’m trying to hold back from getting started on decorating our home for fall. We are still having temps in the 90’s, but that hasn’t stopped me before. I even love the fall foods. I’m trying not to think about that one too much, but, I will the closer it gets to October! Maybe! As you know, I love fashion! Fall fashion is at the top of my list. Jackets, sweaters, boots, the colors, Oh, My! I would love to invite you to a FREE 3 Day Fall…
Blogkeeping Day
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Today, I decided I needed to work on my blog a bit. I made up my own word, Blogkeeping! Instead of housekeeping, which I’m really good at, I am calling this blogkeeping which I’m not good at. I’m not good at the tech part. All I know is that I love writing and I know what I do and don’t like about my blogging life. I also like for my blog to look and act like me, which could be a bit dangerous, but I do my best. I do have someone who helps me when I get in a…
Tea Time In Birmingham, Alabama!
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What a special treat it was to be able to attend the Tea Time Magazine Retreat in Birmingham, Alabama. My dear friend, Tamara and I flew into Birmingham for three full days of fun. Lorna Reeves, editor of Tea Time Magazine, had a packed schedule for us. The moment we arrived at our beautiful hotel in downtown Birmingham, we never stopped until we got back on the plane to head back to our homes. The Elyton Hotel is a quaint boutique hotel with a great restaurant. It used to be a bank many years ago. I loved the elevator that…
Christmas In Beverly’s Tea Room
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I love decorating my Tea Room for Christmas. Since I decorate in pink/black at this time, it’s so much fun using pink Christmas decor that I haven’t been able to really use in other rooms of the house as it would clash too much. Fortunately, I had plenty of pink items. I will share the tree from the past two years that was a teal color. It was fun to use and then this past year I used a smaller pink tree. I found the tree was too small. I think the box was wrong as it said it was…
Do You Enjoy Reading The Bible?
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I wanted to share with you about my reading of the Bible that I have been doing this past year. You know how each January everyone shares Bible reading schedules in order to read the entire Bible in a year? Well, I have struggled with the many reading plans and trying to keep up and then beating myself up when I’m not successful. I love reading God’s Word and studying what God wants me to know about Him and how to live a victorious life. I’ve always had a certain reading pattern that I feel comfortable with, but this past…