Tips and Inspiration for Laundry Day!
Today, I wanted to share a couple of laundry rooms from a couple of our readers. It doesn’t matter what size or how you do or don’t decorate your laundry area. What really matters is getting it done without stress, don’t you think? But, if you are wanting to do some decorating in your laundry area, maybe you will be inspired. Laundry Rooms are usually small, so it doesn’t take much to add some paint, a couple of pictures and a few laundry items to make it feel homey.
This laundry room belongs to my friend, Lea. I met Lea at a bloggers conference a few years ago and what fun it has been in getting to know her. She is a Louisiana gal and she loves home and family. Click here if you would like to visit her at her blog. I love her colors she chose for her laundry room. Looks very organized and pretty.
This next laundry room is from a former neighbor who moved to Oklahoma a few years ago. She loves to decorate and she goes all out at holiday time. Sandy loves life! She is an amazing wife, mom and grammy!
In my laundry world, I have to have some type of decor going. Being orderly and with a plan is also at the top of the list. When our kids were at home and we were busy with schedules and school, I had a day for towels and a day for our clothes. When the kids got older, they were responsible for their laundry. They had their certain day for just their laundry. They sorted, washed, dried, ironed, if needed and put away. I remember many times jumping in to help out. I was never a strict parent, I just wanted them to learn to do their own laundry for the future.
Since it’s just my husband and I now, laundry day is a cinch. Not to mention we own several dry cleaning businesses and I send many things in to be pressed! Is that heaven or what? I have a few things dry cleaned as well. I send my bedding to be cleaned on a regular basis as well. Not the sheets… and no I don’t iron my sheets. I’ve thought about it, but I don’t. At our get away home, we have bedrooms for our grandchildren. The sheets I chose for the boys beds have their names embroidered on the pillow cases. I do iron those so they show up nicely.
My husband and I each have our own laundry basket in our closets and when it’s time to do laundry… there you go…easy as pie! I struggle at making pies, so maybe that isn’t the correct word.
I picked this little book up at a boutique and I’ve enjoyed reading it. It is filled with all sorts of helpful tips. Speaking of books, I love organization books and the laundry sections are always fun to read. I like changing things up every now and then. I love change and I get bored really easy. While writing this I just had the sudden urge to go reorganize my cabinets in the laundry room.
I have lot’s of cabinets in my laundry room and I keep not only my laundry supplies, but my cleaning supplies in this room along with other home care items. I have a large walk in pantry in the laundry room, too. I keep appliances and dishes. Dishes…I have a thing for dishes. We will have to talk dishes next time.
Simplifying is such a big word these days and I often go to a cabinet to simplify. It is the hardest thing for me to do. I so love so many things and everything I have now, I got because I love. So, how can I part with it? I may need an intervention. I’m slowly working on that plan.
I purchased these jars and filled them with laundry detergent, softer sheets and then I added the jar for pods. I like using the pods for towels. I did have two tall pretty bottles that I put bleach in one and liquid fabric softener in the other. I decided against them because the liquid softer would cake up around the top and I guess I was too lazy to keep it clean and then the bleach made me nervous. I was always afraid it would fall over and spill out. Maybe I will try it again, soon. They did look cute, though.
As far as my stain removers, I’ve bought the regular stain remover that you spray on before you wash your clothes. Of course, at the dry cleaning shop, they can remove anything…well, almost anything. I’ve always been tempted to get all the stain removers that my friend Martha has in her laundry room. If you didn’t read about Martha’s Laundry Day, click here and be inspired!
Having our clothes ready at all times by making sure they are cleaned, pressed and mended makes life so much easier and stress free.
I do hope that your laundry doesn’t stress you out and you are able to enjoy laundry day. If not, I say, do whatever it takes to win that war and make it a pleasant experience for you and your family. Making sure your family has clothes that are clean and pressed are just one of the many ways you can show your love for them. Make it a pleasant experience by being organized, orderly and of course you just got to have a cute area to work in; even if it’s in the garage.
I would love to see your laundry room. Email me your room and if we get several, I will share on another “Laundry Day” post. Won’t that be fun to see all the different ways we all do laundry. If you can, snap a quick picture and send it to me in the next day or two.
This is a bench that is across from my washer and dryer. A great place to sit down and wait for that final load to dry!
Before I go, I have to share a quick “Beverly Tip.” If you look in your washer and you see something little and you think it might be a little wad of thread or something, you might want to go ahead and get a paper towel to get it. I reached in the washer and picked up what I thought was a little ball of thread. It felt strange, like rubber or something, so I looked at it closer and it was a……..little gecko like lizard thing! Oh my goodness!!!! I screamed of course and ran to throw it in the trash. Yes, I’m sure he drowned. Okay, I can’t think about it anymore….moving on.
If you missed the previous posts, here are the links:
It’s Laundry Day! Where Is Your Laundry Room?
Don’t forget, I’m having a giveaway at the end of this series. For all that laundry you are doing… you need a little break! How about sit down with a coloring book and just color as your clothes are drying. I have the perfect coloring book for you. It is from my artist friend, Debbie Hannah Skinner. “Fear Fighting Scriptures” has 31 coloring pages with 31 verses to meditate on as you color! You will love it. So, leave a comment and from all the comments this week, your name just may be chosen as the winner of the coloring book at the end of the “Laundry Series.” I know, right! So fun!!!

I really loved this post Mrs. Beverly, both of your friends laundry rooms are gorgeous. I can’t wait to decorate mine now. Does Sandy have a blog too? I don’t think I have ever been so excited over laundry/laundry rooms. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you, Tamikca! Sandy doesn’t have a blog. Maybe she will be inspired to do one. Please share what you do with your laundry room when you begin to decorate it. Have a great week!
Those are amazing laundry rooms!
They are very pretty, aren’t they? Thanks for visiting, Polly!