Lamps, Lamps and More Lamps…
My name is Beverly and I am a lampaholic! There I feel better! The word is out; show me a pretty lamp and I will do whatever it takes to find a place for it. Just this week, I got a lamp in that I saw on an ad that screamed, “BUY ME!!!” I was a good girl though, I got rid of two lamps that didn’t make me smile too much. The lamps that I said goodbye to were a plain little buffet lamp and the other was cute, but the shade never stayed on straight. I was patient with him though, I corrected his shade for years, but, he had his chance….he is now gone!
As a young girl, I remember my mom driving us through a beautiful neighborhood on our way home from church during the Christmas season. We would drive through the neighborhood because of all the lights in the trees. Each house had twinkling lights in every tree. I began noticing that most of the houses had their windows open and I enjoyed seeing the beautiful lights shining through the windows. I would always see a lamp on a table that would softly light up the room and oh, how cozy it would look. I so wanted to go in each home and see the beauty. I think that may be when my love for decorating began; while seeing the beauty from the streets into beautiful windows and the lamp lighting up the room. I always would tell my mom that I was going to have a beautiful house someday and decorate it perfectly. Even to this day, I get a cozy feeling when passing a house in the evening and see a lamp on as it reflects the beauty of the room.
Jim and I get tickled when we are shutting down the house for the night. We get a workout turning all the lamps off. I always like to leave one on in another room to give a little light if one of us gets up in the night. If you have guests, it would be a welcome feeling to see a little light far away from their room.
I would count my lamps for you to give you an idea, but, you may think I’m crazier than you already do, so I will just keep it to myself. I did have a guest one time and she mentioned my lamps and wondered how many I had. I simply said, “I don’t know.”
Lampshades are just as important. Those are hard for me to find as I don’t like just a plain lampshade. I’ve dressed plain lampshades up with large glittery pins, flowers, ribbon, trims, whatever it takes to make it pop. I have even tried putting fabric on the shades and am in the process of putting Christmas fabric on a shade this week. I had a lamp that was a bronze color and painted it a Christmas red. Now it is asking for a cute Christmas fabric shade. I hope it turns out like I think it should.
I hope you will take a look around your home and see if there is a spot for a lamp. Get in the habit of using lamps instead of an overhead light. It makes such a cozier difference.
My challenge for you is:
*Drive in your favorite neighborhood and see if you see any lamps shining through the windows. See if it gives you that feeling that you would like in your own home.
* Find at least one spot in your home for a lamp and decorate around it. I would love to see what you did.
*Do a lamp inventory. Do your lamps make you smile? If it does, yay! If not, do something to it to make you smile. Paint it, change the shade, embellish the shade or say goodbye to it and get a fresh one.
Lamps? Who knew they could be such a life changer.
Think about this verse….I love this verse!
“Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.” Psalm 119:105
I told you lamps were important!
If you missed the last post on the subject of Lights, click on the link:
Until next time,