O’Canada, O’Canada!

What fun we had on our recent trip to Vancouver, B.C.  We spent 12 days exploring the area with the sweetest couple ever; our son and daughter in law!  We have all traveled together and you couldn’t find better travel companions than these two.  They have been living there for work for several months and…

Where Has She Been!?

What fun I’ve been having lately!  I’ve been getting so many notes asking where I’ve been and how much they’ve missed me!  NOT!  Well, maybe a couple. Here is a re-cap of life since the first of the year, you know, when I made my list of goals to get more writing done and to…

Returning To A Home Sweet Home

  Have you ever returned home from a trip and your house was a mess.  If you left in a hurry, you may have left everything in shambles.  As you walk in the door from you fun vacation, you look around and see nothing but work.  The stress level just went up a notch because…

The Graceland Tour

When in Memphis, you have to visit Graceland, the home of Elvis Presley!  The first time I visited was about 16 years ago and it was a fast trip.  We were just passing through and decided to stop.  We walked through very fast and went on our way.  This time, we took our time.  The…

The Guest House at Graceland

One day last year as I was driving and listening to Elvis Radio on Sirius XM Radio, I heard  about plans for a new hotel that would be built and the opening day would be in October of 2016. I did some research and thought what fun that would be to be able to tour…

California Cruisin’

What fun we had with our friends as we cruised on the Celebrity Cruise Line in May.  A cruise is so much fun and even more fun when you can travel with great friends.  If you want to see the West Coast, this is a perfect way to see some beautiful places. Day 1:  San…

A Day In The Life!

Blog Challenge with Brave Love Blog #28 –A day in the life. Take us through it with you. When I’m home, I pretty much have a routine that I keep up with each day.  Today, I get to share with you a day away from the regular routine. Today was a fun day as we…