Where Has She Been!?
What fun I’ve been having lately! I’ve been getting so many notes asking where I’ve been and how much they’ve missed me! NOT! Well, maybe a couple.
Here is a re-cap of life since the first of the year, you know, when I made my list of goals to get more writing done and to get to my goal weight! Yep, that one!
By the way, I’m fast approaching my 59th birthday and I am determined to get to my goal weight before I get out of my 50’s. Surely, surely, surely….I can do that…..why can’t I get serious, I don’t know? More on that later!
We just returned from a week on a Disney Cruise. This was a cruise we planned just for us (my husband and I) and our two granddaughters. They are growing up so fast and we were thinking of ways to spend some special time with them. We came up with the idea of a cruise.Woohoo!!! We had so much fun and what a treat to have these two cuties to visit, play and see some beautiful sites with. If you are wanting to spend special time with a grandchild…take them on a get away trip. You will love it. The entire week was so special, and one particular evening as we were getting ready for dinner, our youngest granddaughter got the giggles. She was singing, dancing and couldn’t stop laughing. It was actually comical after a while. Big sister caught the giggles, too. We loved every second of our trip with those two.
A few weeks before our Disney Cruise we spent a week in Branson, MO. If you know me, that is one of my favorite spots. We took my mom and we enjoyed 3 days of a Southern Gospel Praisefest. If you enjoy Southern Gospel music, you might really enjoy the Praisefest. The event was sold out with almost 3,oo0 people and we had great seats up front. This was our fourth year to attend and we already have our tickets for next year. Relaxing, shopping, shows and site seeing were on the list of to do’s for the week!
Throw in a couple of birthdays, traveling to the Hill Country several times to see our grandkiddos, a couple of concerts and a golf tournament, Valentine’s Day, Easter, St. Patrick’s Day, a writer’s conference and here we are….no finished book and still at the very same weight!
Our next two big trips are to Canada and Hawaii. I will tell you about those soon.
At the first of the year, I had so many plans to get more writing done. I’ve even had a couple more book ideas. Maybe when it slows down a little bit.
My biggest concern in the writing department is, and I’ve heard this for awhile, before a publisher/agent will even talk to you, they want to know how many followers you have on social media. That is what stops me because I don’t push for people to follow me. I don’t even pass out my business cards with my info on it like I’m supposed to. I don’t feel comfortable doing that. So, I’m going to start slowly and try to gain more followers. How? I don’t know. I’ll start with this: If you would like to follow me on my social media, just know that I do not share your address with anyone. Matter of fact, I wouldn’t know how to do that, anyway. I am working on my schedule of postings and writings on the various social links. I’ve listened to so many ideas of what other’s do and I’m trying to get my own style down. What’s your style, Beverly? I don’t know. I’m just taking a stab at some different ways to see what works for me. So, for my faithful readers, I hope you are patient with me.
If you would like to follow me on my various social media links….here they are. (This is my first push for gaining more followers. I would be honored if you decided to follow me.)
You can subscribe to my blog. The link is at the top of the page on the left. Just fill in your email address and each time a new post comes out, it will go directly to your inbox. You can unsubscribe at anytime. I would love to have you as my blogging friend.
I heard someone say, Beverly, what do you write about anyway? I’m so glad you asked. My favorite thing to write about is anything that encourages others in their walk with Christ. I believe we are here for a purpose and we can enjoy our journey and live our lives to the fullest all the while honoring our Heavenly Father in all that we do.
And what do I do? Good question….
I love and do…..
My Family
Cleaning, yep, cleaning…
Cooking, not really.
Bible Study
The list goes on and on and on and on……I have to stop somewhere.
I like to tie all those things up and use them to glorify my Savior. Oh, yes, I blow it many times, trust me..but, I get back up and start all over again when I do blow it! I’m not perfect and never will be and I’m so thankful for God’s Grace in my life!
“So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
I Corinthians 10:31
So, there you go…that’s where I’ve been lately.
Thank you for being part of my blogging world…..and hopefully, social media world.
Until next time…

Oh, the cruise looked like such fun and of course, The Praise Fest, something we have got to do. And, you will get that book written I’m betting. Hang in there!
Hi Lea! Excited to see you at Praisefest next year! Thank you for believing in me on the book plan! 🙂