Why Decorate and Clean Your Bedroom?
As I was cleaning today, I thought I would write a quick post about one of my favorite things to do….cleaning! I will do a post on each room as I get time.
I don’t have a housekeeper. I have hired one a few times, but, I have found that I really enjoy cleaning my house. I love keeping a schedule for my housekeeping. I have a feeling of great accomplishment when I have cleaned and everything is in order. Not to mention the money I save by cleaning my own house. Don’t get me wrong….there may be a time when I decide to have help, but for now, I am able to keep up. Please don’t think I judge anyone that has a housekeeper; I would envy you before I judged.
I wanted to talk about our bedrooms on this post. I think it is extremely important that your bedroom be exceptionally clean, in order and organized and decorated to your personal taste.
Our bedrooms are where we rest and so it should be a very peaceful room. I don’t know about you but if my bedroom looks like chaos and has zero order and piles of clothes, books, and things laying around, I wouldn’t rest well in that. There was a time before I married that I had piles of clothes each day that I tried on before work and changed my mind….I was too lazy to hang them back up. I would have a laundry basket in the corner with laundry that needed to be folded. My drawers and closet didn’t have any order as I was always in a hurry to get to school or work and I had things I didn’t need or want and would fumble through those things to find what I wanted. Those days are gone! It took me a while, but, I finally mastered having order in my life!
What is your style? Does your bedroom represent your style? Whatever your budget is, you can still decorate and have a beautiful place to rest.
Do you have a place for everything?
Here is a list of things that I strive for in my bedroom:
I don’t store anything under my bed.
Every single drawer contains items that are organized and I use and want. If I come across anything that I don’t need or like, I say good bye to it.
Every possible place, that can be, is decorated. I change things around on a regular basis as I get bored easily. I like change. I like to have things around me that make me smile.
I clean every nook and cranny on a regular basis.
I make my bed every single morning right after I get up for the day.
I change my sheets regularly. Nothing like clean crisp sheets for a good nights rest!
Every night before I go to bed, I make sure everything is put away.
We had a television in our bedroom. We recently took it out as I barely watched it and I just didn’t like the looks of it. So, we put it in my sewing and craft room. Much better. Now, I can watch my favorite Hallmark movie and create all at the same time.
When our bedrooms are organized and decorated like we want, it is easy to clean and put in order each day. All you will have to do is make your bed and you are done.
A good question to ask yourself is:
If someone dropped by your house right now and wanted to look at your bedroom, what would you say? Would you say “sure,” because you know it’s in order and looks nice or would you say, “no way is anyone looking in there, it is a mess, when I get it all cleaned and decorated you can look at it!”
If you are ashamed for anyone to see it right now, then now is the time to set up a plan and get things in order and get your special room decorated that brings you peace and happiness.
Speaking of cleaning. I keep a spiral notebook of my cleaning projects. I have a section in my spiral for each room of the house. Such as the section for my bedroom, I have a list of all the things that need to be done. I keep the spiral with me as I clean. When I see something that needs to be done, I write it in my journal. Things such as touch up painting, lightbulb changing, change out window treatments, etc. I keep a running list of projects that I want to do in our bedroom. Maybe something like a serious cleaning project that I will have to have more time to do. Once I get them done, I cross that item off the list. If I’m wanting to change some decorating items and have an idea to do something else, I write it down in my spiral. Maybe, I need to purchase a new sheet set, I put it in my journal and when I go shopping I transfer my needed items for that room to my shopping list.
Something nice to have in your bedroom if possible, is a reading corner. It’s nice to have a quiet place to read, study and have quiet time.
How’s your bedroom? Are you pleased with every detail? If not, I challenge you to take care of it and get a system and just go for it. Don’t stop until you get it just like you want.
A great way to start is:
Deep clean every area of your bedroom.
Organize every drawer. Get rid of anything that you don’t want, like or use.
Arrange your room to where it is comfortable and pleasing to the eye.
Come up with a plan for your decorating. It can be as simple or elaborate as you want. What is it that makes you feel peace in a restful room? Now, go for it. Don’t drag it out. You should be able to do all of this in one weekend.
Are there things you want to do, but due to expense or some other reason you aren’t able to? Then get your journal and write down exactly what you need and want to finish your dream bedroom. Once you have it on paper, it will be easier to achieve and work towards. But, my suggestion is, if you are wanting.. say something like a bedding set and you don’t have the funds for it. Don’t leave your bed blank with just sheets and a blanket showing. Get something much less expensive that you like and decorate around that until you get your dream bedding set. Or, if you want to paint, but there is no way to paint right now. Don’t leave your walls blank. Go ahead and decorate them and when you are able, paint.
Have fun!
Well, until I saw your bedroom I thought mine was pretty. Just kidding! I agree with everything you said, I consider our bedroom a haven but I pretty much consider our entire house a haven and I want order and organization throughout. We do have a TV in every bedroom and in our guest suite, but we enjoy our bedroom TV and often it is not turned on for days. :o)) Lovely post and I’d sure love to tour your beautiful home. Looking forward to seeing you in March.
Thank you, Lea! I feel the same way about our homes being a haven. That’s what I strive for. Yes! What fun it will be in March! I have loved seeing your pictures on your blog of your beautiful home! You have done a fabulous job!