How To Be A Great Homeschool Dad!




Homeschool Dads may have it the most difficult in the homeschooling world.  As the one who is actually homeschooling your children, you might be saying,”I don’t think so!  I work the hardest around here!”  Hopefully, no one in your family feels put upon in this season of homeschooling.  If you are, you may be putting too much on yourself.  Home education is very serious, but it doesn’t have to be torture and always feeling like you are missing out on life.  Once you decide this is for you and your family, do it with joy and know that it is a privilege and an honor to be a homeschooling family.  Life is so short and so fast, you might as well have fun and make each day the best you can possibly make it.

We also know that there are going to be bad days.  Days when nothing goes right.  We all have them.  The really awesome thing about homeschooling is, you can put your pencils down and change the day up and make it a better day.

Most dads work full time and when they come home, they are ready to relax and not think about work unless they have to.  There are some dads who have a high stress job and they may  even bring their high stress home.  That’s a disaster waiting to happen.

We were in full time ministry while we homeschooled. Many times, my husband  worked all day and then had to make visits in the evening or be at a meeting.  There was a season where he worked in a very high stress situation.  I could share more here about that, but I won’t for now.  But, trust me, when I say that I know what it’s like to be responsible for homeschooling and then do my best not to share my ups and downs as not to put more on my husband during this high stress season.

Dads play such a huge part in the homeschooling of our children.  I wanted to share some tips and ideas on how fathers can be great homeschool dad.

*Love your wife and children and don’t be afraid to show it in words and action.

*Pray with your family.  Let your children hear you pray for each one of them about their education.

*Make sure your children know that you are serious about learning and that you are there for them if they need any help in any area.

*Praise your wife in front of the children.  Let them know  that you are thankful for a wife who has decided  to home educate your children.

*Be interested in the kids lessons and activities.

*Attend as many of the children’s events and field trips as possible.

*Go with your wife to homeschool support meetings or events.

*Be an encourager.

*Let your wife express her feelings after a bad day without her fearing that you will say, “you know, if they were in public school, you wouldn’t have days like this.”  A good example might be like when you have a bad day at work and are sharing your thoughts and feelings and then your wife says, “Oh, just quit that job, it’s not worth it.”  Everyone has bad days.  We are to lift one another up.

*Find something you can do to spend time with each child personally.

*Is there a subject that you are really good at?  You will be perfect at helping your children on that subject.  I have a friend whose husband is a doctor.  He would have special classes for his children and their friends in chemistry.  This has left a lifetime of fun memories for him and his children.

*Be the principal of the school.  Be the leader that your wife needs and your children need.

*Let your children know that you are 100 percent supportive and proud of your homechooling family.

*You will have naysayers in your world that will question and even discredit the value of homeschooling.  Know why you homeschool and be proud of it.  The naysayers may need to see and hear some positive things about homeschooling and you are the perfect one to do that.

*Be proud of your home, wife and children.  If you see chaos going on, step in and help out to make it better without judgement.

*If you prayed with your wife first thing in the morning, told her you were proud of her and that you are there if she needs anything; you are an amazing homeschool dad.  That’s the easy part.  You got this!

I recently met a dad  who had several children and his wife was a homeschooling mom. Naturally, I was interested and so I asked  about her when I would see him.  Each time we would briefly talk, I detected that he was totally detached from homeschooling.  He didn’t know much about it and brushed it off as that was her deal.  He seemed almost embarrassed or wasn’t sure she was doing the right thing.  Because of his job, he worked long hours and wasn’t home much at all.  I always wondered about her and how their children were making it.  I recently learned that they are now divorced.  I hate to say that the writing was on the wall, but, I think it was. My heart breaks for the children and for the mom and dad who didn’t get on the same page and make their home and marriage a priority.

Dads (and moms) make your marriage a priority.  If your marriage and your home is not what it should be, homeschooling may be in vain.

I would like to take this moment to thank my husband for allowing me to homeschool our children.  Even when he wasn’t too sure about it.  He trusted me and had faith in me to give it my best.  He supported me and helped me in the areas that I needed help.  He was understanding when I felt like I blew the entire day and accomplished nothing.  Even when he was busy with work, he knew he could trust me and together we made it work.  Oh, it wasn’t perfect and if I could go back it would be a lot different than it was.  But, I am truly grateful for that season of our lives.  I loved every second of it.  I even loved the hard days.

One last thing.  Ask your wife what you can do for her to make your homeschooling home a better place.  And mom, you ask your husband the same question.  Now get on the same page and make memories that will all too soon pass.  You got this!

Please share in the comments below your thoughts or ideas on how dads can be great homeschool dad.

I wanted to share with you a picture of our son-in-law and his sweet family!  I love the way he loves his wife and children.  He is a huge supporter and leader in their homeschooling.  This is the guy to talk to about life as a homeschool dad.  So vey proud of this sweet family.  Their life is an adventure, that is for sure!

Don’t forget to leave a comment below.  Share your ideas of how to encourage a homeschool mom and her children.  Or just say, “I would love to win your amazing giveaway!”

Did you miss any of the previous posts?

Do You Know a Homeschooling Family?

Homeschooling..First Things First

Where Do You Homeschool?

Don’t Forget To Take Care of You as You Homeschool!

Help!  My Grandchildren are Being Homeschooled!


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