Hill Country Home Tour (Part 2)
We are continuing on with the tour of our get-away home in the Hill Country. If you missed part one, you can click here to view. I’m still tweaking on some things and we have a couple of rooms that we haven’t even started on yet, but for now, join me for a quick stroll through the house.
*Notice the deer in the yard? There are always deer walking around. They are very cute! I always try to talk very kind to them. Since I accidentally killed one of their friends a few years ago, I don’t want to upset them.
Laundry Room:
Guest Room:
Master Bedroom:
Game Room Loft:
Girls Room:
Boys Room:
Thanks for visiting!

My goodness, still can’t believe this is a “getaway” home. I would sure love to be a guest here. :o)) I have those same twin beds in our guest suite with the matching king size bed. Pure loveliness!
Hi Lea! How fun about having the same twin beds. Haverty’s? 😉
I would love to have you as our guest!
I love your new home and I’m so excited for you. I know you are having so much fun decorating. And…that new grand baby of yours is adorable! Love seeing all your latest on your blog!
What a stunning vacation home you have! Love the exterior and you are doing an amazing job on the interior. I would love to be a little boy or girl and get to come and stay there!
Sorry, I had the links for the macaron boxes, but then something went wrong and it didn’t post and when I redid the post, I forgot the links. They were $14 for 12. You have to assemble them, but I went ahead and gave directions on how to assemble them as people were giving them a poor rating because there were no assembly instructions and they were just too beautiful to have people pass up because they didn’t know how to assemble them. I have added it to the post.http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00SF4C2NQ?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o05_s00
Hi Jacqueline! Thanks so much for your sweet comment! It has been so much fun fixing the rooms for the grandkiddos!
Thank you for the info on the boxes, they are so cute! The assembly part sounds like it might be tough. Thank you for the link, I will go take a look! Have a great day!
I love this house (and your West Texas house) too! You are so talented and so ladylike and kind, and it shows in your decorating, too! Love you!
Susan, thank you so much for you sweet comments! You are very kind with your sweet words! Thankful for you and I love you, too!