Happy 4th of July – 2023

My July 4th post from last year seems like I wrote it just yesterday. My decorations are the very same. So, I’m posting my link and I hope you will hop over and take a look around. Everything I said last year is exactly what I would say this year. Happy 4th of July -2022 I hope you enjoy! I’m really having so much fun decorating my tea room for each season and holiday. Nothing prettier to me than red, white and blue!

I also love the month of July as it is the half way point of the year. It is a great time to take a look at our goals that we set at the beginning of the year and make some adjustments for the things that aren’t making it. If you are a list maker and a goal setter like I am, you might have thought a bit too large at the first of the year. So, yes…I’m making some tweaks on some of my big ideas and plans.

We are having a quiet 4th this year. Our kiddos are on trips on opposite sides of the country and having so much fun. I love getting their pictures and videos! We will go to our country club and have lunch. We will then attend the movie, The Sound of Freedom. It is a true story about Tim Ballard a hero who has made it his mission to rescue children around the world from trafficking. I’m thinking this will be a hard movie to watch, but, I believe it is important that we know the truth of what is going on. Then we will go watch the fireworks at the country club; they always do a wonderful job. Lot’s of emotions may be going on during this 4th of July.

Have a wonderful day and don’t forget to hop over to check out my other post here

Until next time,



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