Women’s Ministry Memories!

Our church was looking for a new youth pastor and the pastor asked my husband to fill in until they found someone.  I was 21 and hadn’t been married a year yet.  We took a group of teens to a winter camp in Colorado.  I was in a cabin with several girls and one night a young girl about 15 woke me up to talk. She shared with me that she thought she was pregnant.  This was a beautiful young lady who was visiting our church at the time.  I remember mostly just listening to her and in my head I was begging the Lord for the right words to say and the right way to help.  I didn’t have a clue of how to handle a situation like this.  Along with my husband’s guidance, I did my best in being someone that she needed in the area of talking to her parents and guiding her in some steps to take.

Shortly after, our church had a Family Life Seminar with Tim and Beverly LaHaye.  I was honored to help one of our pastor’s with the planning of the seminar.  When the seminar took place, I was awestruck by the ministry of Beverly LaHaye.  She had a passion to see women live their lives in a way that brought honor and glory to the Lord through their marriages, raising children and serving in the church.

When my husband went to seminary, we served in a church where my husband worked full-time as  youth/ associate pastor.  This is where my passion for equipping young girls and women to be all that God desires for them really began.  Here are a couple of pictures I found of the Christian Womanhood Class that we started.  I would love to know where these girls are now!  Notice the monogramed jumpers?  They sang as a group, too!  So cute!  The second picture shows the girls and I during our first event, “Hat’s Off To Mom!”   (early 80’s)

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The following pictures are just a sample of some of the amazing women that I have met over the years while serving in women’s ministry and going to various women’s events .

IMG_0065 IMG_0239 IMG_0514 IMG_0534 IMG_0542 IMG_1010 IMG_1054Bev & LizDSC01652Let_Your_Life_Count_final_-168x264Jenny-Beverly-Ayeishakathy-in-chair1-200x300IMG_1831IMG_1834Lanenewheadshot-241x3002011-10-06-252C-Donna-252C-Beverly-Dillow418699_10151072242048052_552685418_n DSC00640DSC00584DSC00602DSC00605IMG_2631IMG_3004Small-Head-ShotIMG_4419

There are many more that I didn’t get or have a picture of.  Can you recognize any of them?

I will always remember that first young girl that came to me in the middle of the night with a desperate need of help and I wasn’t at all equipped to help her.  I vowed way back at that first meeting of that little Christian Womanhood Class, to be equipped myself and to teach other’s to live their lives as God designed.


  1. Beverly,

    The LORD is using you to bless and equip not just women, but generations of families to come. Thank you for your grace- filled investment in God’s kingdom!

    I’m so glad our paths crossed over the years. What fun to see us together in your amazing photo gallery!

    You are a treasure! Love, Debbie

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