Who Was Before Me?
For the past several years, I have been very interested in genealogy. I know that there are many people that aren’t as interested in finding out about family members from times past. My husband is one of those. He just smiles that little smile when I start telling him my latest finds from ancestors that I never met. Thankfully, he is patient with me and endures my stories and even goes with me on hunts to far away places to track down the mystery of my interesting family.
I came to this conclusion in our differences in delving into the history of family. My husband had the blessing of a family that pretty much lived in the same place his entire childhood. His grandparents were across town and when I met them, they had pictures from relatives from long ago.
Me, I have an interesting childhood. I lived in so many places as a child that it covers an entire sheet of paper. I have a handful of pictures. Nothing much of me as a child or my brothers. My family did not own a camera. Any pictures that we would have would be from a studio (which was very rare) or if someone took the picture and gave us a copy. I don’t have any pictures of my mom as a young mother holding me or anything that resembles daily life. Recently, someone gave me a picture that shows me as a baby with my mom and dad. It is like gold to me! I stared and studied that picture for a long time.
This week my husband and I went to Southwest Texas to visit three towns that I lived in and I took pictures of the houses that I remember living in and we even walked in a cemetery looking for my great grandmother. I didn’t find her grave, but, I will eventually.
I’m working backwards in my family tree. I’m starting with my dad as his family has some interesting stories and I have a sweet Aunt and Uncle that can help me with all the missing links.
That leads me to the reason for this post. I will be making a regular post of my findings. I hope it will entertain you with some of the crazy stories that I have stored away. I’m telling you, my childhood wasn’t your average childhood. But, it molded me into who I am today. The quirks, the worries, the fears that I have, I can usually trace back to things I’ve been through. Oh, and even my strengths!
I hope that my writings on my family tree don’t just entertain you, I hope they inspire you to keep up with your legacy that you are leaving your family.
Do you have all of your pictures organized in photo albums?
Do you have important papers and records filed in a place for your children to find?
Have you recorded your family tree?
Have you recorded family stories that need to be remembered and passed on?
What about your family movies. Are they on a medium that can be viewed? Are they organized?
I am in the process of taking care of all the questions I just listed.
Maybe you want to join with me and begin the journey into your family history. If you are wanting to start a search on your family history, I will be sharing how I’m finding out details on my ancestors.
Have you ever watched the television program “Who Do You Think You Are?” I LOVE watching that show. I set my recorder and I’m always excited to see what transpires from someones family tree. Of course, they only have television celebrities that they use as their guests. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have someone sit you down and read all the details of your ancestors and then send you on a journey across the world to walk in the same footsteps as your great-great-great-great grandmother? Instead, I’m walking through a dusty old cemetery looking for names on tombstones that are so old, I can’t even read them. But, it’s an adventure, right?
I did join Ancestry.com and have found some amazing things. I almost squeal when I find a name or a document of someone that is my family.
Since I’m working backwards, I will begin with my dad. I’ll write about him tomorrow. I always want to learn from the good, the bad and the ugly. It’s who we are and it’s all we have, so why not learn and grow into a better person than what was handed to us?
I want to be better, not bitter. I loved my father greatly and have shed many tears over him because of the the path that he chose for his life. He was a good man and a very handsome man, but, he had some struggles that took over and affected my family and my life tremendously. I wish it would have been different, but, it wasn’t. So, in sharing a tiny bit of his life, I would hope it would help someone even in a small way. Sorry, this isn’t about airing dirty laundry as they say, but, just little tidbits in my findings that are interesting to me and are enlightening to why things were they way they were.
See you tomorrow and thanks for following me on my blog. I have a wide array of interest, everything from fashion, living for Christ, family, crafting and so much more and now……genealogy. I’m all over the place, aren’t I? Maybe I should say, well-rounded?
“For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-14
How thankful I am to know that I was designed and created by an amazing living God! I don’t take that for granted!
Hi Beverly,
Oh, the timing of things in life. So, several months ago you challenged me to go through my mess of pictures and keepsakes. I took you up on that.
In July, we had a series of several days over 100 degrees. My soon to be 13 year old daughter, Keelyn and I were visiting. It was too hot to go outside so I suggested that we start going through these things. We began the work! I wanted to wait to tell you and surprise you when we are finished. When I got this post, I thought it would be fun to share. I began reading several blogs about how to do this. The suggestions were very helpful and it is working. I dug in. I gathered everything in one area. Began to sort. I had mounds of stuff. I brought in boxes, tubs, rolling cart and a table for work space. I should have taken yet another picture to show you!
I started with me. I found all sorts of things. We bought a scanner and Keelyn began scanning. She is making me a photo keepsake book from my childhood. Precious few pictures but I cherish them. I had several emotional days as I went through these things. It helped me remember all sorts of things.
Alot has happened in the past 8 weeks. All of my picture frames have been updated and current collages made to hang in our home of both sides of our immediate family. I enjoy them updated and look at them often! I even came up with a picture of you and your precious family.
I am still way deep in the process but it has become a journey for me. I hope to stay diligent and have things organized to pass down to our children. One of the things I have learned is to embrace my story and to keep things that contribute to that. One bit of advice that has kept me going is to stay at it. It has taken me years to get in this shape, it will take some time to organize.
Thank you for inspiring me to start this! Prayers for you as you unfold your story too.
Love you!
Oh, Shelley! Your comment brought tears to my eyes and chill bumps! I so hope I can see what all you’ve done someday soon! And….your sweet daughter! What fun that is to go through your memories together and she has that desire to make your memory album! You are greatly blessed and I love watching and hearing about you and your sweet family! I’m so thankful the Lord put us in the same path to meet. You are precious to me! Much love to you and your cute family!