An Over 50 Girl and Social Media

Social Media! Is it just me or does anyone else have a love/hate relationship with it? Where It All Began It all started in 2004. I went to my first writer’s conference. If you haven’t been to one, trust me when I say this….. your brain will explode! I just wanted to write a book…

Trying Hard to Love Social Media

Do you ever wish for the days when we didn’t have to carry a phone in our hands constantly?  Do you miss carrying on a real conversation with someone or receiving real letters in the mail?  If so, you are probably a “Baby Boomer” like me.  Younger folks today can’t even comprehend how it was…

My Tips On Unplugging Social Media!

Have you ever wanted to take a break from Social Media? I may be able to help you with a couple of things since I recently decided to take the plunge and unplug. With my Facebook, I deactivated.  You can deactivate and then you can reactivate with your username and password.  You can also just…