Spring Fashion for 2019

It’s Fashion Friday! Only one problem….it’s Sunday. Yes, I’m behind, so let’s get started.

Each season, Pantone sets the colors for the season and they recently released the latest for Spring/Summer 2019. They are gorgeous!

The Color of the Year is…Living Coral. This is a color that looks great on everyone.

Notice the Color Codes are labeled on each Pantone Color. If you do not know your color code, click here to find out. I am a soft, so the colors that would look best on me are, Fiesta, Jester Red, Turmeric, Living Coral, Pepper Stem, Aspen Gold and Princess Blue. Yay! I’ll be anxious to hear what you think of the colors in your color code.
The color code graphic was provided by a sister Style Coach, Sally Luebben. Visit her site here.

The styles are really fun this season. To me, it looks a bit like 70’s and 80’s. I’ll list a few things that will be popular and I’ll share more in my next fashion post.

Polo Dress, Shirtdress, Prairie Dresses, Flouncy Long Skirts, Suits, Wide-legged Pants, Trench Coats, Ruffles, Fringe, Bouncy Bows, Animal Print Shoes, Chunky Leather Sandals, Mules, Straw Hats, Headscarves, Headbands, Shell Jewelry, Statement Belts, Macrame Bags, Embellished Sunglasses…

I love trench coats and when I saw this pink trench coat in the Talbot’s catalog, I fell in love with it. Yes, I purchased it! -smile


Last week, I shared with you the skin care that I was trying out. You can read about it here if you missed it.

This week, I am going to share with you the hair care products that I just purchased. I learned of the skin care that I’m using now while on a Disney Cruise last month. The spa also used a hair care brand called Kerastase. I decided to give this a try as well. I didn’t purchase on the ship, but, I ordered it online as I couldn’t find it locally. It took less than a week to be delivered which isn’t too bad. I will begin using it tomorrow and let you know how it does in a few weeks.

I have dry hair and it is also thick and coarse. I wash my hair every morning. I know everyone says that you should only wash your hair every two or three days. I’ve tried, but, I love having fresh clean hair. Maybe it’s a phobia, I’m not sure. I can’t stand the smell of stinky hair. Sometimes when I’m out and about, someone will pass me and I can tell they haven’t washed their hair in a while by the smell. Isn’t that terrible? I don’t judge, I just have such a sensitive nose. Plus……when I wake up each morning, my hair is all over the place and it stays that way. I can try to brush it down and it pops right back up. I’m guessing since it’s so thick and coarse….not sure. I’ve tried the just wetting and drying thing, but, I think I might as well wash it. All, that to say, I try to use a good shampoo for dry hair and lot’s of conditioner and hair masks.

I had to look each product up and write on the back of each bottle with a sharpie the instructions of what it is. Everything is in French. I took French in high school, but, I’m not that good. It’s a bit pricey, so it is going to have to really impress me to keep it up.

Did you see that embellished sunglasses are in style? Last year, we went to Vancouver, B.C. I bought these sunglasses simply because they were so cute! Who knew they would be in. Have to be a bit brave to wear them.

Thanks so much for being a reader of my blog. I love blogging. I’m on the quiet side and I’m always the one that listens and takes everything in. Blogging is my chance to talk (type) away without worrying that I’m intruding on someone else.

I’ll be doing a review of our Disney Cruise on my next blog post.

One more thing, fashion is fun, but, you can be as fashionable and wearing all the correct colors, but, if you don’t have the peace that you were created by an Amazing God that loves you so much, it’s all in vain. If you are wondering what I’m talking about, click here to read more.

“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full and well.” Psalm 139:14


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