Showing Kindness to the Homeless
If you follow me on FaceBook, you’ve followed along as I am sharing, 31 Kindness Tips, for the month of March. Today, I wrote the following:
“Kindness Tip #11 – Yesterday I saw a man on the corner with a sign that said he was needing help. What struck me was how healthy and young he looked. It broke my heart as I passed in thinking that he had reached the point in life where he had to be on the street corner begging for money. Many times they have signs saying they will work for food. I don’t know about you, but I’m not taking anyone home and asking them to work and then feed them. I don’t think that is too wise.
What I believe to be the kind thing to do is to care and remember what my role is.
1. Have compassion. See what their life has become in the way of standing on a corner all day expecting to get money from people. That makes me sad.
2. Pray for them as I pass. I always wonder if they have children somewhere that know where they are. What must their life have been like growing up. Only the Lord knows where they have been. Pray that they can find their way.
3. Offer help. Give them money or food when I can. I don’t worry what they will do with it. When we give in Jesus name, we just give and trust that it will help.
4. I decided that I’m going to make some bags to carry in my car with some items that may help. I’ll use a large ziplock bag and put a water bottle, snacks, and some money. I’ll put the money in clear site in case they want to throw the bag away. I’m also going to put a note of phone numbers to local shelters, police, etc. with quarters taped to it. Do pay phones still exist? I thought of a small Bible, but may just put a track in it instead.
With warmer weather coming, I’m sure the corner will be filled with opportunity to show kindness.
I know there are people out there who are not honest and are not safe. But, when someone looks right at you and is asking for help, how can we just ignore them? I’m responsible for me, not them….I want to have a kind heart, not a hard heart.”
I was determined to complete this project today. I did and prayed over each bag and now they will go in a larger bag in my car. Hopefully, they will be a welcomed gift for those that are on the streets asking for help.
The items that I included in my gallon size Ziplock bags are:
1 Small Water Bottle (I wrote, Jesus Loves You! on the label)
1 Package of Hand Wipes
1 Protein Bar
1 Chapstick
1 Scripture Card
1 Track
1 Mini Bible (very small Bible with key scriptures in it)
1 $1.00 Bill
1 List of phone numbers/addresses for Police and area shelters with 2 quarters taped to it.
I wrote on the Ziplock bag, the words, “Someone Loves You!”
This is something small that I can do and maybe it will make a difference somehow.
I would love to hear what you have done or plan to do to show kindness to the homeless.
Hi Beverly, this is such a great idea and one that will make a difference to someone and so well worth the effort. Thank you for sharing and your ideas for what to include. You are a blessing to so many by doing this.
I have gathered bags for those in need that our church collects to drop off at shelters and Christian centers. Each and every little item helps some way.
Another thing I have done with a friend is to gather all the little toiletries we get from staying at hotels and make up bags for women in shelters that ran away from abusive homes. My hubby traveled all the time and he would bring me any he had from his stays. This also was a big help. The best part is the joy we receive knowing we are helping in some small way with the direction from our LORD. I don’t see homeless on street corners here or go in the areas where they are in my daily travels, so the ideas I described are ways in which we have tried to help.
Great post Beverly and thanks for sharing. Thank you also for stopping by and your kind comment.
Have a blessed rest of the weekend and week ahead,
Hugs, CM
Hi Celestina! Thank you for sharing what you have done to help with the different shelters in your area. I know they appreciate it for sure! That is a good idea about the toiletries from hotels. There are so many ways we can help, even the smallest will be a blessing to someone. I try to remember that.
Enjoy your weekend!
Beverly, this is such a thoughtful act. You are putting feet to your love and compassion and that is what we all should do. Thanks for sharing exactly what you are doing to show Christ’s love to those less fortunate. You are a blessing for sure! Hugs!
Thank you, Lea. You are a blessing, too! 🙂
Beverly, I think this is a wonderful idea!!! Thanks so much for sharing it. I’m going to do the same. 🙂
Hi Karin! Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment! Let me know how it goes for you! I can’t wait to hear.