My Passion
Today’s Challenge from Brave Love Blog is…What are You Passionate About?
Again, something for me to really think about. For someone like me who loves so many different things and gets excited at things like when I walk into an awesome boutique or furniture store, I have to compose myself and breathe while trying to not get too excited. (I know, shallow, right?)
Or, when I hear of something on the news that is happening in our world today and I get so angry and upset that children can be treated the way they are in this world; I stop myself from asking my husband if we can sell out and go rescue abused children.
I’ve even thought seriously of running for President…that will never happen, but I have actually pictured myself on the campaign trail asking for votes! I love my country!
How about when I make something and it turns out just right, I get so excited, I want to show the world. I love creating!
When working in women’s ministry and seeing women’s lives change and getting excited about what God has for them, I get excited! I love women’s ministry.
Growing up in a single parent home like I did and being the oldest brings up much love and respect for my mom and my brothers. I am passionate about my family.
I love being around my grandchildren…….I love looking into their eyes and seeing their expressions as they talk and listening to their little voices….I tell them I could squeeze them in two, they are so adorable. (strange saying, I grew up with many sayings that my mom always said to me) In other words, I’m passionate about my grand babies!
A day doesn’t go by that I don’t think and pray for my two children. I loved being a mom to those two sweet kids. So many memories and I’m looking forward to making more memories as they are each now married to people that I love very much. I’m passionate about them and watching them as they raise their families.
How blessed I am to have the husband that I do. We have been married for 35 years and life has definitely not been dull. I’ve watched him live his life in an honorable way. We spent the first 20 years of our marriage in full time ministry. Those were some of the sweetest times and then also some of the hardest times, both financially and through hurtful people. He never wavered or lost his faith in people and especially God. He loves his children and grandchildren greatly. He loves me! I have the utmost respect and love for this man. I am passionate about him!
So, I thought about all of that and how those are some of my passions. If I had to choose what I am MOST passionate about it would have to be……..
My Savior! I gave my life to him when I was 14. My life changed 100%. My home changed. My world changed. I shudder to think where I would be today with Him.
All of the above that I mentioned that I am passionate about, I wouldn’t have today, if it were not for Jesus Christ! I want everyone to know Him like I know Him. I love being around people that love Him like I do! I don’t want to lose that passion.
The reason for my blog, His Heart, My Desire, is to share and encourage how to strive to have a perfect heart in every season of life that we have as women of God. This is a place to share His story and my story.
I have a passion to have a heart like His!

I love this, Beverly. You really summed up your passions well, and it is who you are. I love the woman you are. I praise God that we met, and that I can have little visits with you on your blog. You certainly are an encourager, and the light of Christ shines brightly in your life. Thank you for sharing. 🙂
Aww, Karin! You always say the sweetest things. YOU are an encourager and I’m thankful for you!
Enjoyed reading about your passions. I think we all have things we are passionate about that we think might be considered shallow (for me it was Blue Bloods, Chocolate and a few others), but I just see those as proving that we are balanced people! I used to feel guilty about loving to decorate my home until I realized that the ability to make my home cozy for friends and family is truly a gift from God. He delights in us and he created us, so I think how we are wired and the things we are passionate about reflect who he created us to be. The beauty in all that is allowing him to lead us. I can relate to the years in Ministry – my husband was a Music Minister for 9 years and I always said it was the best and worst of times. I am enjoying getting to know you through Blog-tember.
Well said, Teresa! Thank you for sharing that!