“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy peace, longsuffering, kindness…” Galatians 5:22
Kindness is the next fruit to talk about. If you have seen my posts on Facebook during the month of March, you would have seen a “kindness tip” each day. Everything from how we can show kindness to those in our own home all the way to the stranger on the street corner.
I just love the word kindness. To me it says so much. If you describe someone as kind, I picture someone that naturally cares about others. They care about the words they speak, the tone of their voice and making sure others feel comfortable. Don’t you just love being around someone that is kind?
Are you finding it easy to memorize Galatians 5:22-23 by taking a portion of the verses each day?
Be conscience at being kind today to store clerks, waiters, clients, neighbors, strangers, EVERYONE you come in contact with. *Especially, our own family members.
When we teach our children to be kind to one another, we are doing something great! Don’t miss the opportunity to instill kindness into your children!
Is there a difficult person in your life? Have you heard the term, “kill them with kindness?” That means, be so kind to them that their unkindness can’t survive. Granted, I know personally that there are some really unkind people around! They need your kindness the most. As I’ve said many times before, “we are responsible for our own kindness, not someone else’s.”
Have a blessed day and go be kind to someone!