Intentional In Our Bible Reading!
Being intentional about spending time in God’s Word doesn’t come easy sometimes. Especially, for people like me, who can procrastinate anything away.
Have you ever gone a long time without reading your Bible? How did it make you feel? Did you feel distant from God? Were you constantly yearning to get into your Bible and hear from God? That’s how I feel when I let the things in life get in the way of my time with God.
I am choosing to be intentional about my reading of the scriptures and memorizing the verses that I want to hide in my heart.
Several years ago, I noticed the Bible that my sweet friend, Iris, had. I asked if I could look through it and I loved what I saw. I tried to order one and they were no longer in print. I wrote Rhonda Kelley, who is a co-editor of the Study Bible for Women. She happened to have one and I was able to purchase the Bible from her. She even wrote an encouraging note in it. I have loved using this Bible. Dorothy Kelley Patterson and Rhonda Harrington Kelley also edited the Old and New Testament Commentary for Women.
I was so excited when I heard that the Old Testament Commentary and The Study Bible for Women are now available. I received my copies from Broadman Holman Publishers. You can click here for more information on the Study Bible for Women. Click here for information on the Commentaries.
Do you have a certain time and way that you study and read your Bible each day?
What kind of Bible do you use?
I enjoy reading the New King James Version. I have other versions, but I alway go back to my NKJV.
Do you have a favorite version?
If you haven’t made reading God’s Word part of your daily life, I encourage you to begin today!
“All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness” 2 Timothy 3:16 (NKJV)
Hi Beverly, Beautiful post and sharing of this wonderful study Bible. I have the bible on my phone and kindle and where ever I go I have it handy to read in short burst that lift me throughout the day.
It has been a blessing to adding these to my devices.
Wishing you a blessed and special month of February.
Sending hugs!
Hi Celestina! Thank you for stopping by. What a great idea to have the Bible on your phone and Kindle.
Hard to believe February is already here. Fortunately, February is one of my favorite months. 🙂
I am so behind on your blog posts. I don’t know why I’m not getting email notifications???
I just bought myself a new King James after totally wearing out my old Bible that I’ve had for 30 years. It seems strange, but new and fresh. I have been doing Ray Stedman’s Daily Devotions in the morning and if I have time I will read his whole sermon on the scripture passage, which is linked on the right column. He reminds me a lot of Tozer.
At night before I go to sleep I read about 5 chapters in Psalms, and take a verse that sticks out to me to meditate on as I’m going to sleep.
Anna was reading out of the New Living Translation this morning in our family Bible time. Very interesting how different translations can make things pop out at you. 🙂
Hi Karin, I’m sorry you aren’t getting the notifications. Is it something on my end that I need to do. Let me know if you have any thoughts on that. 🙂
I love when I get a new Bible. I still hang on to my old Bibles, lot’s of memories and notes, I will check out the link you posted. Thank you for sharing that!
I love your idea of reading 5 chapters of Psalms before bed. I will try that.
When I struggle with a verse, I sometimes read what the NLT says, it helps. 😉
I hope you are having beautiful weather like we are! Enjoy your day!