How To Love Going To Church – It Starts In The Parking Lot
Welcome back to “Beverly’s Church Tips – How To Love Going To Church.”
How did last week go? Was it easy to reach out and speak to everyone around you?
Maybe you were the one that people reached out to first. Sometimes, we could be going through something and we just want to walk in and sit down and wait for the service to start and then when the people around us are friendly and show that they care and are interested in you….well, it can change your whole day, can’t it?
If you missed last week’s post, you can read about it by clicking here.
It all starts in the parking lot…..
Don’t you love it when you are visiting a church and they have special parking for visitors? Especially, when you are running a little bit late and you have no idea where to go.
We recently visited a church and it was a huge church. As we drove down the long road to the turn in, a man was standing there waving at us and showing us where to go. Another young man was holding a sign that said “We are glad you are here!” He also had a big smile on his face. Now that’s a way to make someone feel welcome, isn’t it?
Here are some thoughts to think about.
*If you are walking to the building after getting out of your car and you pass the visitor parking lot and see someone that is obviously a visitor, speak to them. If it looks like they are confused and have no idea where to go, ask if you can help them.
*Open doors for people.
*If you are running late, you are late, no since in speeding and almost running over people and acting bothered that someone may be in your way.
*Be courteous and let people out of their spots and onto the road.
*Long story short….be just as friendly in the parking lot as you are in the church building. It’s possible that there is someone that is going to church for the first time and it is really hard for them to even get out of the car and you could be the one that puts all of their nervousness at ease.
Since I shared a personal story last week, I’ll have to share another one with you. Trust me, I have many stories…..some good, some funny and some not so good. This one is funny now, but at the time…it wasn’t.
My husband had to be at church much earlier than I, one Sunday morning. He had deacon duties this particular morning. I came in time for Sunday School and had also brought a casserole for a luncheon that was taking place later. I was wearing a white crocheted skirt. I had the dish, my purse and Bible and was balancing everything the best I could. I walked up a set of steps to the door. As I was going up the steps, my heel got caught in my skirt. I know!!! I felt my skirt going down and so I stooped down on the steps. As I was going down, I caught the eye of a “gentleman” standing on the other side of the solid glass doors. He watched me go down. Oh, you think I’m going to say, he came to my rescue and helped me up, right? Nope, he stood there and turned his back to me. No worries, I managed. I got my heel out of my crocheted skirt and OPENED the glass door while juggling the purse, Bible and casserole dish. He scurried off as I was opening the door. I was pretty bugged as I walked down the hall, but then, I turned it around and I thanked the Lord for something.
I said…
“Lord, thank you that I know without a doubt that my husband, my son and my son-in-law would have helped anyone… man, woman or child that was going down…..oh, and I also know they would have opened the door even if they didn’t have a thing in their hand.”
I’m truly grateful for that!
See, it wasn’t funny at the time….but, I can actually laugh now. One more thing, I didn’t ever wear that skirt again.
Have a Great Day at Church!