Fall 2021 Beauty Series – Skin Care

When I was a young teen I washed my face with Camay soap. I don’t even remember putting a moisturizer on. I probably used hand lotion, I just don’t know. I do know that I loved Camay soap mostly because it had a cameo on it. I’ve loved cameos since I was a young girl. Show me a cameo and I want it! (I even wore White Shoulders Perfume simply because of the cameo on the bottle.) When I was about 15, my forehead broke out in little bumps. I was horrified. My mom took me to a Merle Norman boutique. We couldn’t afford much in those days and my mom splurged greatly and bought me the complete kit of face wash, toner and a moisturizer plus a bottle of pink stuff that was a mask to use once or twice a week. When I used the mask, I would hide in my room as it dried my face up like a hard shell. I always thought it looked like I had a severe burn accident on my face. When I would wash it off, my face would be red for hours. She also got me the make up. I used Merle Norman for many years. When it became too expensive while my husband was in seminary and those crazy years of zero money, I would use my favorite…Camay soap, Noxema (loved that smell) and Sea Breeze which would sting horribly. Then I would use Cover Girl make up. Aww…those were the days.
Many years later, someone invited me to a Mary Kay presentation. I loved the products and bought it all! I even signed up to sell it. I really did love the products. I was a Mary Kay consultant for 4 years and one day I just decided it wasn’t for me to selll. I’m still a consultant, but I just buy it for myself, family and friends.
I’m thinking about 5 years or so ago, I became bored with with the Mary Kay products. I love trying new things and I was always attracted to the pretty bottles and colors of other products when I was out shopping. I played around with Estee Lauder and Clinique. I always struggled with finding people that worked the counter that knew what they were talking about. It seemed they could care less what you bought and what was right for my skin. I kept trying other products though. I also tried Bobby Brown, IT and Elemis. I also have tried Rodan and Fields, which I love. Right now I am using Rodan and Fields lash booster. It really works, by the way. I am now back to using Mary Kay and I have my eye on another brand when I go through this last set.
I have another skin care set that I want to share with you. As you might have read that I love Southern Lady magazine and I have been to several of the conferences. There is a company that advertises in this magazine and at the conference this company always has a booth. I’ve been attracted to it for the way it looks and the story behind it and of course….it’s a southern company. Last year they sent me a sample set to try. I loved it. The only thing is while I was trying it out, was about the same time I went through a hard time with my health. So after I used it a few times, I set it all to the side and I just recently tried the rest of it. Click here to go to the Sapelo Skin Care site. I just love the packaging…that’s what always attracts me first to anything. The ingredients are natural and if your skin will look like the two ladies who created it….well…..it’s hard to not want to buy it all! Be sure to visit their blog as well.

I would love to hear what skin care is your favorite and if you are satisfied or looking for something new.
Now that we are in a new season and the weather is changing, this is a perfect time to make some adjustments in your skin care. If you are like me and you get bored easily, it’s a great time to try something new. I have dry skin and it gets even drier in the cooler months. I’m always looking for a moisturizer that is very moisturizing but not greasy feeling. If you use products from the department store, this is a fun time as most are offering special gifts with purchase. That is always fun. I have to be careful as I’m attracted to the beautiful colors and the special cases they offer. I’m a perfect candidate for marketing. Oh…..put a cameo on it and I’m SOLD! Or a PEARL….double SOLD.
A few years ago, a make up brand actually did their compacts of eye color and blush in sparkly cases with cameos on them. YES….I still have them…I bought several….I couldn’t stop myself!

Okay, back to our topic of skin care.
Now is a good time to set your sites on the skin care you want to use through out this season. Keep everything you use in one place. Some like to set it out, especially if it’s in pretty bottles on a pretty tray. I tried that for a while, but, I like a clear counter by my sink so I now keep it all in it’s own drawer in trays.
Go through all of your products you don’t and won’t use….time to say goodbye. I know…it’s hard!
Remember how we talked about doing research? Do a study on your skin type and the products that work best for you.
There are so many books and videos on make-up applications to try. If you know someone who does their make- up really well, ask them for advice. Be sure to keep your make up brushes clean. I clean mine once a week. Let’s don’t talk about all the cute make up brushes…yes…I just bought one that has glitter in the handle….yes I did!
If you have a young daughter, be sure to teach her early the importance of taking care of her skin. Make sure she is using products designed for her skin type. Teach her proper make up application. Never ever go to bed without washing face first. That’s a bad habit to get into. Yes…I did that as a teen sometimes when I was too lazy to wash my face at night…I remember mascara on my pillow….bad girl!!!
Once you find your skin care line and make up choices, be satisfied and content. I don’t think we should worry and always think we aren’t good enough. Just have fun with it.
I really feel sorry for young girls, okay, even us older ones in how we see models in ads, social media and on t.v. who are not really real. They are airbrushed…use filters and other things to look flawless. We can easily begin comparing ourselves when our skin doesn’t look smooth as silk with a beautiful glow and our lashes aren’t reaching up to our eyebrows while our lips are puffed up with the perfect shade of shiny color. The sooner we can learn to be content in who we really are, the better and easier life will be. Of course, isn’t it fun to try new things….who doesn’t want long lashes, smooth skin and puffy lips? We just have to keep our head on straight and protect our young girls from the comparison issue. How can we teach them that when we are comparing ourselves with filtered models? I know it’s a struggle!
Last but not least………You be you, everyone else is taken! Don’t take it all so serious, enjoy the process of taking care of you and finding just the right products that you love!
Previous Posts in this Fall Beauty Series:
#1 – Nail Care
#2 – Hair Care
Until next time…

Hi Beverly, I agree with you about cameos. I’ve collected them for years. To me they make anything look more feminine.
As for skin care, I’m 66 years old,
I’ve had pretty good luck with Olay moisturizer (in the red jar). It absorbs in fast. No sticky feel.
Hi Linda! So good to see your name pop up! I remember Oil of Olay from years ago when it was pink and in a glass bottle! Didn’t it have a cameo on that as well? I remember using that, too. I’ve seen the red jars at the store and have wondered. I may have to try it! I like things that absorb and not sticky. Thanks for reminding me of Oil of Olay! 🙂
I don’t remember the cameo, but it could be. It took me forever to try it.
I found a travel size to try first.😊
Hi Linda, I went to Pinterest and search Oil of Olay from 70’s and 80’s. It has a drawing of a lady’s face, but not an actual cameo. It sure brought back memories of the pink glass bottle. I even found a commercial from the 70’s of it.
Well, I use a mixture of Mary Kay and Bobbi Brown. I use Mary Kay cleansers, freshner and eye makeup remover and Bobbi Brown moisturizers. And, I am using the relatively new Retinol cream from MK. I use mainly BB color cosmetics and foundation. I feel like there are really only so many ingredients that can go into skin care products and I’m not going to pay $250 for a moisturizer as a friend of mine does. Goodness! But, hey, to each his own. Enjoying your series dear friend!
Hi Lea! Thank you for stopping by and commenting! I love hearing what everyone uses and likes. So many choices out there to choose from. We have to know what we like and why, that is for sure….and what we are willing to pay and not pay. When I first met you years ago at the bloggers conference, the first thing I noticed was your beautiful complexion . The same thing when we met again a couple years ago in Branson. 🙂