Eyelashes and Contentment

                                              Eyelashes and Contentment 

“Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have…”   Hebrews 13:5a 

Being content with eyelashes has never occurred to me until recently. I was hearing so much about 
eyelash extension it made me curious. I began noticing ladies with long full gorgeous eyelashes. I’ve  always had decent eyelashes, I’ve never complained about them. They never bothered me with being too thin or short. The fashion magazines always show models with extra long eyelashes. I was beginning to think how fun that would be to have extra long eyelashes, plus I justified the expense with not having to buy mascara or eye makeup remover. Not to mention, no more mascara smudges under my eyes. So the eyelash bug got me….I made my appointment for eyelash extensions. I was excited, never will I have to bother with mascara anymore and my lashes will look as good as the ones in the magazines. What could be better? My appointment finally arrived after a few weeks due to the fact that she is booked months ahead because so many ladies are getting extensions. The first question she asked me was “Are you an eyelash puller?”  “No, I’ve never pulled on my eyelashes” I replied. So for two hours, the extensions were applied. I LOVED them! They were so long that when the wind blew, I could actually see my eyelashes blowing in the breeze.  Who knew? 
A couple of weeks down the road, I was watching an intense documentary with my husband 


and son about some men that built a raft to travel the high seas and were attacked by 
sharks. I don’t do very well with movies like that.  By the end of the movie, I didn’t have any 
eyelashes left. Yes, you read correctly, I had been pulling on my eyelashes throughout the 
movie and I quickly found out that when you pull an eyelash extension out, you pull your 
real eyelashes out. So all that to say, “My name is Beverly Dillow and I’m an eyelash puller.”  
Now, as I sit here waiting patiently for my eyelashes to grow, I thought, “Why wasn’t I content with the eye lashes I had?” Nothing was wrong with my eyelashes, I just wanted something better. Okay, maybe I coveted long full dark eyelashes.  I was consumed with the thought of “better” lashes, that I justified every reason to not go for it.  
I’m all for taking care of ourselves and being the best we can be in order to glorify the Lord, but I sure wish I would have been content with the eyelashes that God gave me.  
I’ve always taken to heart the verses that deal with contentment and I have worked hard at being content in the seasons of my life and also being very careful not to covet the blessings of others and miss the blessings God has for me. Little did I know eyelashes would be a huge lesson of the century. As I wait for my eyelashes to grow and try very hard to be patient and not run down and get some more, I will be on guard and keep my heart in check 
for those other things in life that sneak up on me, whispering, “if you had so and so, your life would be so much more fun!” 


  1. Oh my goodness Beverly!!!! I LOVE THIS! I’m going to send my readers of Fashion Meets Faith Facebook page over here to read this…it is sooooo good…what a LESSON!!!!!! Now be patient, friend…remember, Patience is a virtue….even though you’re eyelash-less…..love you!!!!! Shari

  2. Um, thanks. But I can relate to this post in a much smaller way. I’ve probably used every mascara out there in the same quest. 🙂 Love ya, Karina

  3. Dear Beverly, this is a wonderful post with such a great lesson. One we all need to be mindful of everyday. I am sure your real lashes will grow back promptly and be gorgeous!!
    Wishing you a blessed Christmas and special year ahead.
    Much Love

  4. Hi Stacey! It really didn’t hurt; that’s the strange thing about it.
    I loved having the lashes, it just felt like something was always on them….so I’m just not a good candidate for them. Or for watching shark movies. No more of that!
    Thanks for stopping by!

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