End of September Blog Challenge!
I may have been late a couple of times and combined more than one day on a couple of posts, but……
I did it! I honestly was going to give up a few times….so glad I didn’t. It feels so great to complete something, doesn’t it?
Here are the final two challenges:
#29 -Write your own list of 10 blog topics to inspire us next month.
I will be doing the 31 Days of Writing with Crystal Stine. My topic is:
31 Days To Have a Heart Like His
Each day there will be a post that hopefully will empower and encourage you to strive to have a heart like Jesus. I hope you will follow along and share your thoughts as we go.
Among the daily posts, I will also be sharing a Home Tour of our new hill-country home toward the middle of October.
#30 -A farewell coffee date. Take some time to breath, sip a warm drink, and share with your new blogging buddies. If you’d like a prompt: how did the Blog-tember Challenge go for you? Any surprises? What was your favorite prompt, or what would you like to see included next time?
I enjoyed meeting other like minded bloggers. I found a few blogs to begin following and look forward to their future posts. I thought all the writing prompts were challenging and helped me to think outside of my box a bit. It also helped me to try harder to form the habit of being consistent in my writing. I also loved the feedback from others. I’m looking forward to next year!
Thank you Bailey at Braveloveblog!