Happy Father’s Day, Mom!

My mom, my hero! She was a single mom with three kiddos. I was the oldest and I had two younger brothers. My mom married when she was 20. She met a handsome man who swept her off of her feet. She had me a year later. When I was about 3 months old, she…

Fabulous Living in the Empty Nest Years

I have the honor of having new friends and lifelong friends who are my age or older. I thought it would be fun to share some of the amazing people that I know who haven’t let the empty nest years slow them down. Some have reinvented themselves after all the cuties have flown the nest…

Iris, A Special Lady

Today is the Iris’ birthday. The only problem is, I can’t call her and wish her a happy 91st birthday. Iris passed away 4 months ago. I met Iris about 25 years ago. I had just started a local group with Concerned Women For America. Iris was very active in local politics, church life, leadership…

My Self-Improvement Class with Miss Texas!

A few years ago, okay, maybe many years ago, I was happily going along in my first year of marriage trying to figure out how to be the perfect wife.  I saw an ad for a class being offered in the home of a previous Miss Texas.  She was teaching on self-improvement.  She would cover…

Can We Be Friends?

I have been blessed with some dear friends.  I know you have, too. I think it is important to affirm others and lift them up, don’t you?  We live in a fast paced world and everyone is so busy… I have a feeling stopping to edify someone isn’t on most people’s daily to do list….

10 Lessons I Learned From A Single Mom!

My father left for the final time when I was 12 years old.  He had left us many times before, but this time, I knew it was forever.  I had two younger brothers; 9 and 2 years old.  We moved into a tiny rent house on the  south side of town and life was pretty…

An Angel for Bloggers?

If it were possible to have an angel for bloggers, Merri Dennis, would be that angel! I met Merri last summer at the Declare Bloggers Conference.  We happened to be sitting at the same table and I notice that she was very proficient in the computer lingo.  It was language that I don’t understand very…

The Power of One!

In my city we have a wonderful place called, The Life Center. The Life Center is a non-profit, faith-based organization offering an alternative to abortion. Many years ago as a young homeschooling mom, I became aware of this organization and I volunteered as much time as I had to give in counseling young girls in…