2022 Thoughts….
I won’t say, “Wow, how did we get to 2022, wasn’t it just 2020!” No, I’m not going to say that! But, really, HOW? Okay….moving on…
I wanted to write on one of my favorite subjects today about being thankful and not only speaking of our thankfulness but, putting it in writing. I knew I had written on this subject a few times before and the latest was in January of 2020. When I was writing on my goals and dreams for 2020, I had no idea what was in store. What a wild and crazy year it was. It carried over into 2021 and thankfully things settled down mid 2021. I could say, I never want to think about that year and a half again, but, I can’t. I learned way too much. I love sharing the things that I learn in order to hopefully encourage or help someone else. One of the things that helped me navigate my way out of such craziness during that time was reading after others who had been in the same shoes. It gave me much hope. I’ll admit, sometimes I would read things and it made it worse. Oh, I hope I don’t do that for anyone.
Back to the main topic….thankfulness!
I’m going to share this post that I did when I was preparing for 2020:
This year I will continue on in being intentional in being thankful in my note writing and verbally.
While on the subject of writing thank you’s, here is an article I wrote on sending notes of encouragement:
Did you know we could change someones day with just a note of encouragement or a spoken word. We could even change a life!
Here is one more article while we are on the subject of encouraging others:
Oh, to be someone that always bounces the ball back to others. Could be life changing!
I hope those articles will inspire you to go out and make a difference in someones life. I have a feeling it will make a difference in your life as well.
Happy New Year and I know that 2022 is going to be a good year! I’m counting on it.
Until next time,