Fall Vignettes Around My Home

I love the word, vignette! Sounds sort of elegant, doesn’t it? I actually looked up the meaning to make sure I knew what I was talking about. It basically means a small grouping of objects that creates a pleasing focal point. Remember yesterday… I confessed my procrastination? Well, I didn’t have any procrastination problems. Maybe…

Happy Fall – 2019

My favorite has finally arrived! We even have a bit of a cloudy morning with a chance of rain….maybe….or maybe it came during the night. In West Texas, any sign of clouds and a chance of rain is a blessing. I always loved cloudy days growing up and even more so now. I have a…

Happy October!

October is here!  Could this be my favorite month?  It seems I say every month is my favorite lately!  I guess when October arrives it feels like it is officially Fall. I tried to simplify my Fall decorating this year.  Once I opened the closet up, I couldn’t stop.  So, here are the results. Enjoy…