Paris Hilton Quote
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“In the future, I plan on taking more of an active role in the decisions I make.” – Paris Hilton, June 4, 2007 Interesting. I must have been in the dark when Paris Hilton was making her mark on society. I still haven’t figured out what she has done to become such a celebrity that the news media would spend so much time on her. After catching up on the news of her jail sentencing, I have some compassion for her. By her lifestyle, it is obvious she needs Christ in her life. I pray that somehow, someway, there will…
Home Sweet Home
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Jim and I got in from our vacation to Hawaii this week. What a beautiful place! I am not really a water person, but the ocean was absolutely beautiful. We chartered a boat for 4 hours one day and Jim snorkled with our friends, Shelby and Alicia, that met us over there. I watched from the boat. I just can’t imagine floating in the water with a mask on and breathing through a tube. I can’t breathe just thinking about it. Not to mention, the stuff that is in the water; eeeekkkksss! I would rather view it…