10 Ways to Become a Woman of Influence

Have you thought of building friendships with the ladies that serve with your in your church?  As a pastor’s wife, you have a group of ladies around you that are hungry to learn from you and most of all, to have a friend that loves them and prays for them.  I thought I would share some of my ideas in beginning a ministry with these ladies.  I would have loved to have had this in my life when we were in full-time ministry.

  1.  Get together once a month for lunch and use this time to get to know one another so you know how to better pray for each other.
  2. Attend a women’s conference together and learn things that will build your personal lives as well as the church.
  3. Go on a shopping trip together.  This would be a fun and casual way to build a relationship.
  4. Have the ladies in your home for a luncheon or dessert.  It’s very rare these days to host people in our homes.  Practice true hospitality with these special ladies. Show them what hospitality is….don’t just talk about it.
  5. Have each of the staff couples over for dinner in your home.
  6. Do a Bible Study designed for  pastor’s wives together.
  7. Suggest books that you know would be an encouragement to their marriage, home building, child raising and ministry.
  8. Get to know their children.  Pray for each child.  Find out their birthdates and send a card on their special day. Be a friend to their kiddos.
  9. Pray regularly for these women.
  10. Always be a source of encouragement and be a true friend to each lady.

You may be in a small church and not even have a staff to work with.  I’m sure there are some teachers, ministry leaders and deacon wives that would love to have you take an interest in them.    You have people in your path that need your wisdom and guess what? You need them!  You may find that you are being ministered to yourself.

You will be teaching and sharing your wisdom of life in the ministry with these ladies as they get to know you and watch you as you love your husband, home and children.  They will see how you love the church and each member.  You will be giving an example to these ladies that they will carry on in their lives as they minister along with their husbands.  These couples may move on to another church someday and I can almost promise you that she will be so grateful for the love and the wisdom that you showed her during her time under your care.

Don’t miss this opportunity to make a difference in someones life.  Don’t leave it up to someone else to reach out.  Even if you have a thriving women’s ministry in your church, don’t think that is enough.  You need to have a true bond with the women who walk in the same shoes as you.  You need to be a team and support one another.

I hope you will begin today and build a ministry with the very ladies that are in ministry right alongside of you.

Maybe you have already built a solid relationship with your fellow staff wives of your church and ministry leaders.  If so, I would love for you to share what  you have done or plan to do to reach the women in your circle of influence.

You may be reading this and not in full-time ministry.  I hope you were still inspired to use the tips that I shared and reach out to the women in your life and design a way to build a relationship and become an inspiration to them.  It could be the women in your business, the women in your husbands office, your neighbors, friends, and family.  We have some work to do, don’t we?  I know I do.

I’m linking with A Wise Woman Builds Her Home blog.



  1. Oh, I dearly love our pastor’s wife, she has such a zest for life and is the perfect partner for our pastor. I know all too well what you are talking about since my Dad was in the ministry for over 50 years. Happy weekend Beverly!

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