Welcome Lights
On our first trip to Hawaii, we had a reservation for a hotel close to the airport as we would get in very late. When we arrived, the hotel was nothing like we had hoped and saw online. I’m a hotel snob….I’m extremely picky so you know what happened. I refused to stay there. So, we got our bags and headed back down to the desk and a miracle happened; they refunded our money. We got in our car and began driving to look for a new place. Little did we know that we would not find anything for another 4 hours as we drove around the island. We had never been there before so we really didn’t know where we were or how long it would take to find something. All we knew is the road was driving along side the ocean. The moon was reflecting off of the water and we stopped at a couple of places that looked like a bed and breakfast. They were closed of course and we kept driving. Around 4 a.m., I could see a cluster of lights down in a valley area. We decided to head toward the lights. As we pulled up, it was the most beautiful hotel. The girl at the open air desk was so kind and friendly. Such a welcome for two weary travelers. She told us we were getting one of their best rooms. At the time we could have cared less, we were just thankful to be somewhere safe and to get some rest. We got to our room and crashed. The next morning we opened the window and I can’t describe how beautiful it was. We had a corner room on a high floor with surrounding windows. We overlooked the ocean and it was breathtaking! When I think back on that adventure, all I can remember is those lights that we saw in the distance. How thankful I am for the lights and that we had sense enough to follow them. Of course, I know who was guiding us the entire time. All that to say, lights are important. I love lights of all kinds. I love them so much, that I will be writing about lights for a few posts on my blog. I hope you will follow along and we can be enlightened on a few things. How did you like my word that popped in my head just now…..enlighten? I love that word!
The way we light up our home on the outside is very important to us. I’m loving this time change where it gets dark early in the evening because not only things slow down and we can enjoy peaceful evenings more, but, I can enjoy all the lights longer. Yes, I’m one of the crazy ones that like the getting dark early time change.
Porch lights are important. We turn ours on as soon as they are needed. I do not want a dark house. I want it to look welcoming and having lights on outside to me, look welcoming and safe. I want our house to be like those lights that brought me comfort in Hawaii while looking for a place to stay. We like to walk in the evenings and it’s interesting to pass by houses that are completely dark. Such beautiful homes but, if they only knew how more beautiful their homes would look if they had some lights shining. Maybe it’s just me, but, you can’t beat beautiful porch lights reflecting the beauty of your home. It speaks coziness, welcoming, safety and a beautiful life is happening in that home.
Landscape lighting add even more to our homes. We had lights put on our trees. I love that look! We are now working on getting some soft lights that shine up from the flower beds onto the house. If that isn’t enough, we added “party lights” in our back yard. We have large windows across the back and looking out in the back yard with the lights on the trees and then the party lights glimmering, well…I just love it!
Have you ever been invited to someones home in the evening and you pull up and its all dark. You see some lights peeking through the windows and that lets you know someone may be home, but, you make your way to the door and you feel around for the door bell. Then someone turns a bright light on and after your eyes adjust you make your way into their home. What a difference it would make if when you pulled up and saw lighting around the house and you could clearly see your way up the walkway and as you ring the door bell you would have such a different welcome feeling, don’t you think?
Lights…..they are so important! I hope this encourages you to take a look at your home tonight and see what you can do to make it look welcoming and cozy to those that pass by or who are coming to your home for a visit.
*Drive around your neighborhood or other neighborhoods and notice how people light or don’t light up their homes at night. What are some things that you like and don’t like?
*Make adjustments if needed to your home to get the look you want.
*Take a drive around your block and take a look at your home. Does it make you smile? Go for a walk and as you walk up to your home, do you get that feeling that you hope others have when they see your home?
*Don’t save the lighting of your home for special occasions, keep your lights on each evening.
*Bonus! Invite someone over in the evening for dinner or dessert and have your lights set just right and see what a difference it makes. Of course, you probably won’t have anyone say, “Oh, your lights are beautiful, I feel so welcome here!” But, I have a feeling they will feel welcome the second they pull up to your home.
I hope you will follow along the next few posts as we talk about lighting. You are probably wondering, “What more can Beverly have to say about lights?” Well, I have lot’s to share on this subject that I only hope it helps you think about things differently than before or affirms your thoughts that you already have and not to mention, my brain is always thinking and it helps me to write about it.
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I can’t wait to hear what you are doing about the lighting outside of your home. Your home is a reflection of all that you are; let others see it.
Remember the song when you were little from Sunday School, “This Little Light of Mine, I’m gonna let it shine, this little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine! Hide it under a bushel, NO! I’m gonna let it shine…..”
I love that song!
Don’t hide your home, let it shine!
“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden.” Matthew 5:14
Until next time…

Larry and I both grew up where we were to turn the lights off – too costly to leave them on and considered wasteful. Our parents left them on until everyone was home and then they were turned off. When we married, we have always left a porch light on in our home. Although, we are still mindful and try to be conservative, lights have always been important to us. We always leave the porch light and outside house lights on. We already have our Christmas lights up on the outside of our home. And, we love night lights so our home is lit during the night in hallways.
Unfortunately, in today’s time, with the increasing darkness in the world it is requiring more and more lights to be left on. Businesses, residents, neighborhoods and parks have to be lit up more than ever before. Consider the additional demand put on our power grid in an effort to just try to push back the darkness.
Thankful for light!
The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. John 1:5
Shelley, I loved reading your comment! I’m thankful for lights, too! Sad to think of the third world countries who don’t have that luxury. I often think of the power grid….I always picture it going up when I turn all my lights off each night. 😉
Thank you for sharing. I always love to read your comments! I bet your lights are beautiful this season!
Ever since I read this, I have been thinking of lights… we live out in the country so usually our lights are off, but I do have some hanging solar lights by my porch swing that I can turn on when I have company. Yesterday Sage and I drove through the Cherry Street historical district in Tulsa. The huge colorful trees were at their autumn peek and arched over the road. I felt like Anne of Green Gables, her “white way of delight”, except this wasn’t white… it was gorgeous shades of red, gold yellow, and orange leaves totally surrounding us. What caught my eye, though, because of your post, was the welcoming look of string lights in some of the awesome historic homes, outside and inside… I love it!
Hi Karin! I bet that was beautiful! I loved your description….I could picture it so well. I wish I were there to see it all, too!
So cozy and safe feeling, I”m sure. Thank you for sharing, you always have such great things to say! From what I remember from years ago; your home was very welcoming, so I can imagine those solar lights are just beautiful!