A Girl and Her Doll

When I was about 6 years old, I got a baby doll for Christmas. We were living in Ft. Stockton, Texas and we were in the middle of moving. The night before the big move to a new town, my family went to some friends of my parents home for dinner. I took my brand new baby doll. The next morning we were on our way out of town and I remembered my doll. I had left it at the house we were visiting the night before.
When I told my dad, he said that we didn’t have time to go get it and he would get me another one. I remember sitting in the back seat of the car and was extremely sad. I felt sorry for my doll. I missed her. But…life goes on.
I didn’t have many dolls growing up that I remember. When I was 3, I got a Susie Smart doll for Christmas. She wore a red plaid jumper and had a school desk and chalk board. A year or two later, I got a Candy Fashion doll for Christmas. She was a fashion doll and had mannequins that you could put clothes on since she was a model. I’ve always wondered what happened to those dolls. We moved quiet a bit when I was young, so no telling where they are.

As life went on, I helped take care of my two younger brothers. I was 9 years old when my youngest brother was born. I was really too busy with a real baby to worry about baby dolls. I carried him around every where I went. I remember getting in serious trouble from my father when he was disciplining my brother and he came running to me and I hugged him as he was getting in trouble. I could tell millions of stories about my brothers and I growing up as I was a miniature mommy to them. My parents had divorced and my mother worked around the clock, so I was the babysitter and housekeeper. Back to the doll stories….
After the loss of the doll in Ft. Stockton, the only doll I remember having after that was when I was in about the 5th grade. She was called Crissy. She had short red hair and when you pushed a button on her tummy and pulled her hair….her hair grew down to her waist. I really liked her, but, I didn’t really have anyone that played dolls around. I fell into the trap that I was too old for dolls. I kept her for a long time and ended up giving her to a younger girl that I knew.
When our daughter was young, we always made sure she had baby dolls to play with and she so loved her dolls. She would even dress them up and take them to church. I always loved looking at dolls and seeing all the different ones available when shopping for her baby dolls.
Now that we have two granddaughters, we have bought several dolls for them as well. Matter of fact…recently, we took our youngest granddaughter on a birthday trip and we ended the trip with a visit to The American Girl store. I always love going in that store. It’s all I can do to not buy everything possible.

As we were picking out our granddaughters doll, I told myself….”I’m getting me a doll as well!” And I did! I picked Mary Ellen. She is from the 50’s. Each of the dolls from American Girl has a story of a certain time period. They have books and of course lot’s of accessories. Mary Ellen had all the extras such as a pearl necklace and bracelet set, a poodle skirt with oxfords, a sundress, the cutest Christmas punch bowl set and of course a juke box that really works! Yes, I fell for it all!

I’m sure my granddaughter will love playing with her when she is here. I have 4 sets of clothes and changed her once for pictures. I was too tired to change her again…so you will have to settle for just the two pictures of her change of outfits.

I so hope that parents are still allowing their girls to play with baby dolls. What fun it would be to have all your dolls from your childhood and pass them on to your daughters.
On my Pinterest, I have a board called, iLove Things From the Past. I have found pictures of the dolls I had as a young girl. They look just like I remember them. Except the poor baby doll that was left in Ft. Stockton. I don’t remember what kind of doll she was. I just knew that I missed her and cried for her..that’s all I remember.
Do you have memories of special baby dolls?

I am linking this post with A Wise Woman Builds Her Home.

Since Moms always do the shopping for Christmas, maybe she could remember it???
Gayla, that’s true. Mom doesn’t remember the kind of doll it was. I remember it as a simple little baby doll. Thanks for dropping by and commenting. What was your favorite doll when you were a child?
I have a sister that is 10 months older than me so we always got the same thing for Christmas. One year we got dollhouses. She found them on eBay and bought both of us a house and got the furniture piece by piece and it is identical to what we got that Christmas. I just love them!
Hi Margaret! What a fun gift from your sister! I would love to see a picture of your dollhouse and furniture. That sounds like such special treat to have the identical set from your childhood! Such sweet memories, I’m sure!
Yes, Beverly love reading your stuff. And yes as a matter of fact I still have most of my favorite dolls from my childhood I did let my daughter play with them till one day she removed the leg of my doll. So that was the last time she played with any of them. They r kept in an old trunk. I love Togo back and look at them. I also kept all my daughter dolls and that is what her kids play with when they come to visit. They made toys so much better back then. Most of my kids toys still work too. So we go down memory lane every time my grand kids visit. But it is so much fun. Loved your story.
Thanks so much, Sandy! I love your story! I bet your grandkids love playing with your treasures! Thank you for reading, commenting and most of all, sharing your story! Love it!